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TW swearing (I've misspelled any swear words on purpose).
Mention of alcohol.

In this chapter we shall look into the life of Janus Giudice, a slithery, young man.

Janus has never been one for fitting in with people his age, in fact most of his friends aren't all for it either. However this isn't just them separating themselves from everyone but each other, no, people their age generally dislike them, be it... the way they act (e.g. Remus) or the way they look (e.g. Janus).

Janus' appearance is... unusual but not displeasing to look at, with his lightly tanned skin and long build. He has heterochromia (one eye is a deep brown, while the other is a rather light gold-ish colour) and a large birthmark on his face, light brown hair (that's almost always hidden by a black bowler hat), he's tall... but he's certainly not the tallest person in his friend group (that title goes to Logan).

Another reason people choose to stay the fack away from him, may be that he has a little problem with telling the truth... sometimes... a little bit of the time... FINE, a lot of the time. But he is trying to get better. At least I think he is.

So at age sixteen he embodies a fed up wine mum (in the UK it's legal to drink alcohol at 16, AT HOME or on other private premises but I think you have to have a parent or carers permission) to three delinquents, one of which is his BOYFRIEND, another he actually sees as his child.

Join me in the next chapter... please.
-You're narrator.

Giudice (pronounced ju-dee-chay, means "judge" or "justice"). It's Italian because he has Italian heritage.

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