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TW: non- censored swearing (if I've missed anything, let me know).

"Ah shit!"

"Virgil what the fuck?!"


Janus turned and walked in the other direction muttering a 'I don't know these people', swiftly followed by Remus yelling "HEY! Jan-man, wait up!"

You see as the four friends were walking into the school from Logan's car Virgil tripped over seemingly nothing, startling Logan into checking if his friend was okay, however, it being a Monday morning, Virgil was in a foul mood.


"Oh shoot Ro, do you have some of your clothes here." Roman had accidentally stayed the night at Patton's, although, as this was a semi-regular occurrence, he had clothes in his size in Patton's wardrobe.

"Oh yeah, I've gotta stop doin' this."

"It's fine, but we kinda need to hurry up or we're gonna be late for school."

"Shi- oot, yeah you're right!" Roman responded, checking the time as he speed walked to Patton's room to get his clothes (Patton was already dressed when he woke the other boy).

Roman retuned from Patton's bedroom to immediately enter the kitchen, sifting through the breakfast stuffs for something quick, or something he could take with him (finally settling on dry cereal, which he practically threw down his throat). After eating he rushed into the bathroom, as Patton was leaving it, to clean his teeth (having to use his finger as he still didn't have a toothbrush at his friend's home).

Luckily Patton lived fairly close to the school, unfortunately the two friends had to run so that they weren't late.


Patton and Roman followed the trickle of later students into the school and proceeded to speed walk to their form room (their form tutor hadn't turned up yet, so that was a plus).

Entering the classroom, Patton's eyes locked onto Logan Robinson, one of the smartest students, and Patton's crush (however, the young Hatch had only spoken to Logan in one of the many classes they had together, as they were partners). Patton then noticed that Logan had his arm around, quite possibly the shortest boy at school, Virgil Sanders' shoulders, causing him to deflate a little bit. Don't get Patton wrong, he likes Virgil (he'd spoken to the boy more than he had Logan) but, no one except Virgil and Logan's close friends (and themselves of course) could tell if they were boyfriends or not.

Seeing this Roman grabbed Patton's hand and pulled him to their seats.

Okay! I think I'm going to leave it there. Thank you for reading.
                  — Your narrator.

If you're liking this shit maybe vote and/or comment. Also if I've messed up the tense, I'm really sorry but I've never been good at grammar.

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