phukao- I'm back

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(A/n: if y'all have seen the series I'm writing this from where it was left in the series. This is pure fluff I got this idea last night and idk how to start it but yeahh here it is)

"P'phu is coming back" kao shouted his lungs out when he got a call from phu while sologui just chuckled at him. "Uhh I didn't asked when he's coming" he scratched his head disappointed. Few days passed he was busy in his got time to call phuri. Phuri on his other hand was happy that he's going back to Bangkok to meet his bunny. Phu has decided to ask him out to be his boyfriend but he got worried when he realised he didn't got a single call from kao.

(Time skip)
Phu was at the airport waiting for his flight. He still hasn't heard from kao nor kao knew he was coming home today itself. The flight attendant announced the arrival and phu got up to move towards his plane. The whole flight he was thinking about his bunny anyone who sees can easily identify he's super nervous. Once he reached Thailand he contacted solo to tell him as he was kao's bestfriend. Solo agreed on helping him propose. The whole day solo didn't let kao go to his apartment. They went to food Mart and roamed around the Mall buying different stuff so that phu can get enough time to decorate the whole terrace of kao's apartment.

It's already 7 pm and it started to get dark both kao and solo decided to go back. As soon as solo droped kao at the main entrance of his apartment buildings he messaged phu about it.
Kao chose to take elevator instead of stairs because he was so tired. Each step was a tough job when u roamed around mall for more than 3 hours without taking any break. He rummaged through his pockets to find keys. He took the key and unlocked the door. He went straight up to his room to freshen up and take some rest until he found an envelope on the bedside table. He opened it to fine a handwritten letter inside.
"U still don't know why u went to mall? Come up to the terrace. "

Kao furrowed his brows while he was reading the letter. He went to the bathroom, washed his face and changed into fresh pair of clothes as the previous ones were drained in sweat.
With tired and ached legs he made his was towards the terrace. His eyes lit up and he almost forgot his leg pain after seeing the whole terrace decorated with fairy lights, balloons and a table for two in middle. He slowly took the steps moving forward while admiring the view in front tof him. He felt a tap on his shoulders and turned around to see.....
"P'phu" He shouted and jumped into phu's arms. They huged each other properly after what it felts like to be an eternity. This close contact after being away from each other made their eyes wet and they slowly separated. Phu invited kao at the table and they ate dinner.

After the dinner kao was standing at the corner of the terrace admiring the bright and small lights flickering over town in the span of time. He was so happy and touched and he didn't even noticed someone came to stand near me. "Bunny" Phu said as kao swiftly turned his towards him. He looks a nervous wreck. Phu's hand made it's way towards the younger's as he gentle hold it as if it's very fragile. "Bunny u know when u entered my life I didn't understand why u r doing this. I was determined to stay away from u and ignore u but u r so stubborn never ever leaving me. U were so clingy and I don't know when it became a habbit of having u by my side. U made me realize that their still is love in this world and it matters. After all these months of being away from u make me realize that I need u in my life and I seriously love you" Phu said while trying not to look at kao. A tint of blush on his cheeks and all the sweat beads on his head due to nervousness was mesmerizing. Kao was feeling like he was over cloud9 this was so unexpected for him he was shocked but the same time he was so happy. "So please do the honour of being my boyfriend" Phu completed.

Suddenly realisation hit him and he pulled Phu into a small kiss. "I hope this gives you your answer" Kao said. Phu's arm snacked around kao's waist as he pulled kao in another kiss. After that they spend rest of the night cuddling each other.

(A/n: hehe took long enough to write this chapter. I don't know what I wrote but enjoy😗)

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