ChrisJake- like?

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Jake's pov
It was summer camp and i have to join some classes so i can get easy A's without doing much so that's what I did. I don't have friends except for Kenny and Andy. Kenny is my bestfriend since the childhood while i met Andy in 7th grade when him and Kenny started dating. Yeah i know sometimes it feels lonely when Kenny is busy with Andy but i have libraries. Anyways back to the summer camp. So i joined few classes including maths and history.

I checked my name on the list and entered the room to see my seat. "Oh no ...... No no no no no i don't wanna sit next to Chris".

U might wondering who is Chris, well long story short he's one of the most popular boy in the school. We don't get along well and he always try to discard me for no reason. I don't wanna sit next to him but apparently i have no other choices. I might study everytime but i don't like socialising with the teachers they are a bit homophobic to be honest so i try my best to stay away from them.

In a few minutes class started we learned about king Arthur and the period when he was the king.

Teacher: so for these summer holiday your grade depends on this one assignment. All of you are supposed to partner up with the person next to you and make a report over king Arthur. You have to submit this before next month. Good luck.

No no no no no no i don't wanna get paired with him.

Chris: so i need to partner up with this twat!?

Me: Don't call me that

Chris: and what if i Don't listen to you!? Whatchu gonna do!?


Chris: that's what i thought. Meet me after school so we can complete this report and i can get over with you.

And with that he left. Nice now I've to meet him after class too this day cannot get any worse.

TIME SKIP after the school

I huffed as i got out of the school building. I saw chris standing there looking at me.

"Are you done wasting!? Seriously let's get this over with." He shouted. I ran towards him as i didn't wanted to get him mad at me again.

I know y'all might be wondering chris might be hot while he's mad... Yeah true he is but he's also scary asf.

We walking to his car in his complete silence. Once we reached i sat in the front passenger seat while he sat in the driver's seat. While i was adjusting the seatbelt i saw my ex boyfriend coming towards the car.

"Hey chris!!" He shouted.

"Hey dude what's up" chris went out of the car to talk to him.

I lowered my head and my eyes began to tear up as i remembered my past. I shrunken my body so that he won't see me.

But he noticed. He went blank and came towards me with an idiotic grin.

"Long time no see sweetheart" he said scanning me from my head to toes. He tried to touch my face but u yanked hus hand away. At this point i was covered in sweat as my body begin to tremble. He started laughing.

"Is this your new boyfriend? How pathetic u wanna date such a low person" he spat out on chris.

Before i could say anything chris punched him making him fall to the ground.

"How can u talk about someone like that , i though u were my friend but not anymore. How ridiculous i was to stay friend with someone who can't even control their own mouth"
Chris was in anger.

He got in the car and drove away. The car ride was also silent. I was still shaking. Sitting on the passenger seat with my knees brought up to my chest hugging and hiding in them. The car stopped. I felt something warm on me. I looked up to that Chris was putting his jacket on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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