chapter 27

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Izuku's pov
The first match was between teams A2 and B3, the insomnia joined the 1-A team this time. The group narrowly won thanks to the efforts of the insomniac and without him would have surely lost. Next up was group A1 vs group B2, from class B's group I distinctly remembered there being mushroom and onomatoepia, they were weird. After that match our class lost. Next was the group todoroki was in VS group B4, they managed to get a draw. Then it was kacchan's turn and they won.

Finally, I had to take part in a match and before I did I recieved a message from tomu and it said 'be prepared, we're coming in 5 and when we do I'm taking you back with me.' His declaration made my face blush a gentle pink and heart flutter but I quickly covered it up so that no one would notice, but I think sleepy-sensei did because he gave me a suspicious look then turned away.

When I walked over to our starting position I checked the time on my phone and saw that there were only 2 minutes left. In my team I had pinky, balls, and lil kirby, though it didn't matter since the match would never take place. As the alarm rang out there was a sudden explosion in the vicinity of where the other students were. I climbed up the poles and pipes, as did the people on my team and we saw tomu stood at the top of a tower. A sweetly Chaotic smile appeared on my face and I started jumping pole to pole, trying to reach him. Clearly the others in my team assumed I either wanted to kill him or I was traumatised because they tried to stop me. I just yelled "FUCK OFF ALREADY!" and when given the chance I broke away from them and kept going to Tomu.

We then stared at each other, I was only 1 metre away from him on a separate pipe, he stretched out his hand offering to help me up to him and I reached out mine in order to take it.

Before I had the chance sleepy-sensei jumped up to Tomu and tried to use his capture scarf. Tomu smoothly dodged it and I heard him say "so annoying." In an agitated voice. Tomu and sleepy-sensei moved out of view as they jumped down and had a sort of show down, I tried to climb down and find them but instead I fell on the floor, hit my head and passed out. While I was unconscious I heard yelling, screaming and crying, it was perfect and utter chaos. At that point our past conversation came into my head.

"Izu I don't get it, why are so many people trying to kill that character, what did he do?" I remembered Tomu asking me that when he came to my room
"Because he has found a way to disrupt the natural order of the world and hence he should be killed." Yeah, that was what i said wasn't it.
"Is that what you believe?" I could tell that Tomu was thinking of what I believed about him when he asked that.
"I do believe that people would naturally want to kill the person who can break the natural order of the world, but that's because humans fear change since it brings something new into the equation, I however would rather befriend such a person since they'd cause such sweet chaos for this shitty world, and they'd be able to end my existence, surely." Ha. Look at that it seems like what I said actually happened, though with a few extra steps. I was dating Tomu, he created a collage of chaos, and he was the one who was going to end me.

"Ha. Isn't that ironic?" I told myself when I woke up and covered my face with my arms. I broke out in hysterical laughter, until I finally stopped and sat up. I tried to stand but when I did I fell back down and looked at my legs. My left leg was gone. All that remained was a pile of black Ash. "Ash, huh. What an anticlimactic ending." My mouth formed a small quivering smile as I lay back down on the ground. "Goodbye crule world." I said as I closed my eyes.
Do you know why I exist?

Apologies that this chapter is so short but I need it to be this way cause I need all that comes after this to be together 🤭  I hope yall enjoy the next chapter (since it'll be the last of this story)
I just keep having the song bittersweet tragedy stuck in my head when I write this. You know what I'm gonna listen to it when I write the final chapter. 😊

broken immortalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ