chapter 26

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Izuku's pov
They just kept asking me and demanding that I answer why I was so miserable to the point of cutting myself but I refused to answer. They then insisted that I have a full body check and they found the cracks on my arm, I was slowly crumbling and turning to dust, I kept wondering if I could even revive from that state (i did revive from decapitation but it took so long to regrow my body). They tried to figure out what was wrong with me and were unsure until sleepy-sensei mentioned the quirk of the leader of the LOV (Tomu) and they thought that it had happened during the time I was kidnapped or something. They also looked at how my wounds took so long to heal and I became a temporary lab rat as they watched my arm like hawks watching their prey for 3 days straight. When my cuts had all scarred up I was given some freedom but they searched my entire room and stole everything dangerous and set up an excessive amount of security (clearly an invasion of privacy).

After two months of this and MORE FUCKING THERAPY I was given permission to join a hero agency, I really didn't want to and just wanted to wallow in pity but I didn't have a choice and they signed me up to the nighteye agency and was paired up with some guy who only had pupils and no white in his eyes. One day when we were on patrol we approached a bird masked man and a young girl who looked absolutely miserable so I punched him round the face and ran off with the child. "TAKE THAT YOU ABUSIVE MOTHER FUCKER!" I yelled violently leaving pupil face to deal with him. We then had an operation to invade the yakuza and deal with the bird man and his goones, which we did a rather smooth job of, and the kid stayed locked in a safe house the whole time.

After the operation we suffered from a few injuries on our side and a lot of injuries for them, also pupil face lost his quirk to some bullet (I wonder if something like that would have worked on me).oh, I nearly forgot, but nighteye died. I later heard a report that my sweet Tomu had disintegrated the bird man's arms so he couldn't use his quirk. He's such a great boyfriend, we've still been messaging each other but we haven't been able to see each other since  I was being watched so intensely, and he's still so worried about me and what was happening to my arm, and I told him that it hadn't grown at all.

That was a lie. Now the cracks have spread all the way up to my arm, over to my shoulder and down my chest, reaching my belly button. At the moment they were only light cracks but only time could tell if they would get any worse.

It was now the cultural festival, my class were preparing to do some sort of concert while I was just sat in the corner with a blank face and steady appearance, the only time my unstable self was asked to do something was when they needed rope from a shop, so I had to go with an army of ectoplasms and we encountered a small time online villian, who was quickly captured. We then spent our time enjoying the cultural festival (well not me of course, I was kept in the staff room like a pet dog for being too unstable). I'm sure all my classmates had a blast and loved their time there as they participated in the other activities ( then there was me sat on a chair, drinking tea, with the principal opposite me giving me lectures). Pupil face also went around with the child we saved and I'm certain that they both loved it (while there's me, falling asleep on the chair out of extreme boredom).

When the day ended I was guided back to my room and sat there texting Tomu. The next thing I knew I drifted of to sleep in the middle of a call with him.

The next few days were just the same usual boring lessons, with the same usual boring routine until we had our winter break and got to either go home or stay at the dorms. During that break almost everybody except me went home and I could actually walk around freely and do as I so pleased, which was pretty cool but I still couldn't see Tomu again. When I messaged him I informed him of the events at UA not even thinking about any consequences and we basically planned his next appearance together, it would be during a training session and on the day of that session I'll tell him about it and shut down security as best I could.

At some point all the class 1-A students returned to the dorms and had a party, I just stayed in my room and listened to 'wish you were gay' on loop. I noticed that, at some point, someone was infront of my door and went to check and saw a plate of food at my door with a note on it, 'merry Christmas!' It read. I raised my eyebrow, threw the note away and enjoyed the food "what's Christmas?" I questioned myself.

When we started back at school on the new year it was a cold, frosty day and we had to get into our hero costumes. Those who had reasonably exposed costumes had to update them so that they were none frostbite friendly, while others were fine as is. It was announced that we were going to be having battles, 1-A VS 1-B and the purple insomniac was also apart of it. I recorded what we were about to do, and all the instructions the teacher gave and sent it to Tomu, along with the coordinates.

At that point, the cracks had reached down to my legs and other arm, and the fingers on my right hand started crumbling. They weren't growing back.

Next chapter *insert song 'I love you'*
It will be very eventful 😊

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