chapter 19

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shigaraki's pov
I decided that we needed to do something that would push All Might over the edge and when I watched the sports festival I knew immediately what we should do. I composed two lists, a kill and catch list, on the catch list I specified bakugou, the winner of the sports festival, and an aggressive one at that. On the kill list I specified izuku but I knew no-one could kill him, it was more for a bit of a laugh and payback for what he did at the mall. I sent them all off to the place that the mole informed us about and sat there waiting for them to return. I'm so bored.

Izuku's pov
"Shit, shit, SHIT! WERE SO FUCKED! ITS OVER KID, THE BEST THING WE CAN DO NOW IS TRY TO DIG OUR GRAVES IN PREPARATION OF OUR DEATHS!" I was literally screaming as a carried the kid in one of my arms like some sort of luggage, he kinda just sat there in silence. I was running full speed ahead from (drum roll please)  . . . My own class mate, yay. I actually managed to ditch the muscle man but now I'm being chased by a god damn shadow, A SHADOW! At this point I had already forgotten about my quirk and was determined to live so that Tomu could kill me later. If I'm like this then what's the kid thinking?

After 3 minutes of running some figure crawled out of the bushes, and since I could never see well in the dark I slide tackled it only to find that it was that guy shouji from before. We both quickly stood back up and ran from the shadow following behind us. "MIDORIYA!" Shouji yelled loud enough so that I could hear him over the breaking of trees. "WE NEED TO FIND SOME SOURCE OF LIGHT OR FIRE. DO YOU KNOW WHERE TODOROKI OR BAKUGOU ARE?" Why would I know that? I wasn't exactly close with anyone so I didnt have a bloody clue. "Uhm, I dunno. I was asleep for like 10 hours." I'm not sure if he heard me or not but after that the shadow swung it's giant fist down at us causing us to disperse in opposition directions, and what do you know the bird brain decided to follow me as I dove right. "FUUUUUUUCK!" I squealed as I ran full speed ahead. After passing out I never ate anything so my energy was still really low, plus I wasted a hell of a lot to recover from my pancake state.

After running for 10 more minutes and being at my limit I fell down, kid still in hand, then heard a voice. "GET OUT OF HERE YOU DAMN NERD!" It was kacchan and I had never been so happy to hear his voice before. I hurriedly got up and  ran closer to him and todoroki yelling for one of them to make make fire or at least do something. The shadow bird then charged at the villian they were facing, defeated him and then kacchan bombarded the bird until the shadow was suppressed and controllable again.

We then marched on towards, I dunno where, we met shouji along the way and kept walking. We ran into the lil kirby and the froggy, they were with some school girl and were bleeding everywhere (massive exaggeration but they were still bleeding), the school girl slipped away and we were all back together again and decided we would back to hq. Until, of course something had to go wrong. Todoroki pointed out that kacchan and the birdie were gone, and then some circus villian started monologing, giving us a great opertunity to try and go after him but we couldn't reach him.

He jumped away from tree to tree like some sort of ninja and we created a plan to follow him, lil kirby would make us float, froggy would throw us, and todoroki would try to make us land somewhat safely. So we put our plan into action and me, shouji and todoroki were thrown into the air (I left the kid with the other two). When we landed, those two stood on the ice and slid down it while I just straight up face planted it and got impailed (-3 points for me), so I had to waste more energy just to heal that.

When we came face to face with the villian a few more appeared besides him, the school girl, a guy covered in severe burns, and another guy in a skin tight body suit and black and white mask. The circus villian flashed the small little orbs at us, but shouji knocked them out of his hand and caught them, but what do ya know it's not them. The circus villian took off his mask and stuck out his tongue showing two orbs in his mouth so I did what any rational person would do. I ran up to him and punched him in the gut until he coughed them out. The rest of the villians tried to reach for the orbs but todoroki caught them before they had the chance and they were safe.

I tried to rejoin the others but before I had the chance the scar villian grabbed the back of my neck and dragged me through the familiar back and purple swirly portal. I gave the others an excited smile and a thumbs up before I appeared on the other side.

Todoroki's pov
We were too late. We saved bakugou and tokoyami but were too late to save midoriya. After the villians had left through the portal the two reverted back to there natural forms, both confused from what had happened. I explained how midoriya saved them and we made our way back to hq, the whole way back Bakugou stayed silent.

When we were back we saw Iida and the others there, a few of us had some minor injuries but other than that no one was seriously injured. By the time the police and fire department came, along side some pro heros, all of us were at the hq, minus midoriya. Mr Aizawa asked all of us if we knew where midoriya was so we went up with him and told him everything we knew, and also had to tell the police about it.

I felt so frustrated and helpless, I couldn't even save or help him, I was too distracted! I needed to improve as a hero, and I needed to try and save my friend.

Tomu and Izuku have reunited!😊 Good for them.

Also does anyone have a clue at what point I should finish this, cause I know how I want to finish it but I don't know when in the story to do it🤔 I don't want to catch up with the manga so when . . .

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