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"Aziel!" Madison gasped as she shot up in bed, her legs wet as she felt a huge pressure in her hugely pregnant belly. "He is coming! Aziel our son is coming!" She shouted as Aziel jumped up from the bed, his eyes large as she could tell he was slightly panicking. "Grab the bag and let's head to the hospital." She smiled as she slowly slipped from the bed, a strong contraction hitting her as she slowly breathed through it.

"You, okay?" He asked as he placed his hand on her belly his eyes full of worry as she kissed the top of his head.

"I'm fine, but he is coming so let's please get to the hospital." She said as she felt a huge pressure, her heart racing as she felt a huge pain surge through her. "Oh my god! Aziel!" She screamed as the contraction hit again, her mind racing as she knew she had been in early labor all day the day before, but she had been certain she could make it to the hospital.

"Baby?" He asked as Madison sat down on the bed, her body starting to shake as her hands desperately tried to pull her pajama bottoms down. "Oh shit! Is he coming?"

"Call an ambulance, he isn't waiting!" She screamed as she laid back on the bed and tried to breathe, the pain coursing through her body as she reminded herself that she was strong and could survive anything, even giving birth in her bed. "Aziel!" She screamed as she felt their son slowly start to enter the world, Aziel moving on to the bed as he encouraged her to push, a smile on his face as he brought her comfort in a moment of so much pain.

"You can do it, baby, holy shit he is almost here! Come on baby I know you can do it, just push baby." He said as Madison felt her body break out in a sweat, tears running down her cheeks s she pushed with all her might. "Oh my god! Madison!" Aziel smiled as he gently helped birth his newborn son, Madison crying as her body felt riddled with pain and exhaustion, her eyes filling with pure love and joy as she watched Aziel gently tend their son, his little cries filling their bedroom as her head fell back and she was filled with overwhelming joy and love. Aziel gently placed their wrapped-up son in Madison's arms as he called the paramedics, her eyes watering as she gazed down at her beloved child.

"Hello Marcellus, I'm your mommy." Aziel smiling big as she called him the name that he had chosen, her heart swelling with joy as she never thought this beautiful moment would ever happen.

"They are on their way—Jesus' baby I am so proud of you." He whispered as he slowly sat on the bed and placed his arm around her shoulders. "He is so beautiful—and he has a full head of hair." He whispered as Madison smiled weakly, her body still shaking as she couldn't believe she had just given birth at home.

"I had horrendous heartburn, of course, he has your hair."

"I love you." He whispered as he kissed her lips, his heart finally healed as he sat there with his wife and his son, his entire world finally complete.


A/N WOW I am so humbled that everyone loved this story I really loved writing every moment of it! Don't worry Aziel and Madison will make small pop-ups in my new SOA AU story featuring Cain! Thank you all so very much!

The Beauty Of The Beast// AN SOA AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum