Chapter Nine

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"Hey Aziel—it's been a long time." Her voice sending him right back to that moment when she chose Happy over him, his heart racing as his stomach sank with the terrible realization that he still had some hidden feelings for her.

"Why are you calling me?" He asked as he felt slightly annoyed that she would just randomly call him after all this time.

"I know it's crazy, I was sitting here just bawling my eyes out and I realized that I didn't have anyone to talk to and I guess I panicked and called your number. I never deleted it out of my phone, I didn't think you would answer." She said as he could hear the sadness in her voice, his mind and heart were torn between what he wanted to do. He wanted to tell her to fuck off and never call him again, but he also hated to hear her so sad. Aziel felt extreme guilt as he felt those old feelings for her start to come back, feelings he thought he had lost long ago.

"What's wrong? I know we have our past but—I still care about you as a friend." He said as he felt like an asshole for even talking to her, his thoughts turning to Madison who was waiting for him to call back.

"Ever since Happy went to prison, he has become so cold and distant, he told me that I didn't have to wait for him since it's going to be at least 14 months till he is out."

"I am sorry to hear that, so many Sons got locked up I heard but at least it's not 20 to life, right?" He said as he laughed nervously, his hands growing sweaty as the terrible feeling rose in his stomach since he wasn't the type of man to keep a secret from the woman he loved.

"I guess, but Happy he got so mad and just took all his anger out on me. I mean does he think I won't wait for him; I am his old lady I know that means that I wait for my man when he is in jail." She cried as a part of her felt her pain, his heart racing as his phone notified him that he had gotten a text.

"Sophia, I gotta go my girlfriend is waiting for me to call her back."

"Oh—you have a girlfriend?" She said in a tone that made him even more nervous since he didn't want her to try and manipulate his old feelings for her. "I'm sorry that was rude of me, of course, you have a girlfriend. You are an incredible man Aziel and incredibly sweet for allowing me to cry on your shoulder, even after—all our history." The memories of their lovemaking in the woods flashing in his mind, his hand nervously running through his hair as he stood from his bed and tried to push those old memories away.

"That's nice of you to say but, Sophia—this isn't right us talking. My girl wouldn't like this and to be honest our past is just that, a past. Yes, I loved you, but I moved on and—" His words cut off as he could hear her silently crying, his heart hurting as he hated when he hurt others. "Please don't cry. Sophia, please."

"I'm sorry Aziel you are so right. I never should've called, I guess I was just needing some comfort, and—to be honest, you have been the only man to truly give me that. I'm so sorry I won't bother you anymore." She said as the line went dead, Aziel sighing as he stretched out his arms and took a deep breath as he tried to push those feelings and thoughts away.

At one time he had been so madly in love with Sophia, but when she chose another man over him, it had nearly killed his outlook on love. His love however had been restored when he had met Madison, a woman that he was ready to start a family.

His brow furrowed as he received a text from Sophia, a part of him wanting to delete it before opening it.

I'm sorry if I bothered you, I know I ruined things between us, but I at least want us to be friends.

I don't know Sophia, let me think about it. He texted as he sat back down on his bed and facetimed Madison, his heart heavy as he knew he had to tell her the truth of who he was talking to.

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