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HELLO!! Welcome to my very first SOA AU it was inspired by my own character Aziel from my Happy Lowman Fanfic The Promise! You don't have to read the promise to read this it is stand alone with a few mentions of the TV show SONS OF ANARCHY. This story will contain sexual themes and mature language.

Aziel sat on the porch of the Fresno Charter clubhouse, his thoughts heavy as he tried not to think about Sophia. It had been a little over seven months since she had confessed her love for Happy, a long seven months of pure loneliness for Aziel. He knew that confessing what he had done would cause a strain between them, but he honestly thought she loved him.

He had tried to move on, but no other woman had caught his eye or had been able to hold a single conversation with him. He stood and stretched his arms, the night quiet as he waited for the prospects to get done cleaning. Aziel leaned against the post as he stared off into the night sky, his hair starting to blow as the warm wind of summer began to pick up.

He hated feeling this way, hated knowing that the woman he loved was with another man, hated that no other woman measured up. "All finished up need us to do anything else?" The new Prospect Calvin said as Aziel waved them off, his body feeling numb as he slipped on his helmet and riding gloves.

"Excuse me?" A sweet-sounding voice said as Aziel turned to see a beautiful woman strolling towards him, her hands filled with luggage as he could tell she wasn't from here. "I'm so sorry to bother you but I just got here, and my taxi driver dropped me off at the wrong address and I am so lost." She smiled as Aziel smiled back, trying to make himself seem a little less intimidating. He knew from his large size and stature that he could be scary to some people, especially women, but he would never hard a woman no matter even if she deserved it.

"No bother—I'm Aziel, Aziel Naihe." He said as he removed his glove and held out his hand, the woman hesitantly shaking his head as she smiled shyly at him.

"That's a beautiful name, I'm Madison Belle I just took a job at the high school as the new history teacher." She said sweetly as he watched her nervously tuck some of her golden hair behind her ear. He couldn't help but notice how cute she was, Aziel becoming nervous that he smelled after working on his bike in the hot sun.

"Where are you supposed to be? I can give you a ride." He said as he offered to get her small bag, Madisen pulling her back as he could see that she feared him. "I'm not going to hurt you; I promise I just want to help."

"You have to forgive me—Aziel, I am just new here I don't know anyone, and it's just been a very overwhelming day," Madison said as she started to cry, Aziel gently putting his hand on her shoulder as he led her up onto the porch and offered her to sit.

"Talk to me." He said as he knelt in front of her, Madisen pulling a tissue from her purse as she dabbed her tears away. He hated seeing anyone cry, it was a weakness of his. No matter how mad he was at someone if they cried, he turned into a teddy bear.

"My fiancé of two years left me for my roommate just two days before we were supposed to move here, and he took most of my money and all I have left is in these two bags and I can't find my house and I have to start my first class in two days." She confessed as more tears fell down her cheeks, Aziel feeling her pain as he knew full well what it was like to lose someone you love.

"The woman I loved told me she loved another man. I was going to ask her to marry me." He said as he thought about the fact that he was finally divorced after so many years, the courts finally seeing through his Ex-wife Jessica's lies. The moment he got to see his daughter again, his entire world felt complete, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't fill the hole left in his heart by Sophia.

"I'm sorry. I normally don't just cry in front of strangers." Madison said as she wiped her tears away, Aziel loving how beautifully hazel her eyes were.

"Don't have to be strangers, we can be friends." He smiled as he wiped a tear from her cheek, Aziel watching as a soft rose color moved over her face, his eyes looking away from her as he loved how cute she looked when she blushed.

"I could use a friend." She smiled, Aziel smiling as he bit his lip a habit, he had picked up in Highschool when he was nervous. "The woman who left you, she was crazy. You seem like a perfect gentleman, even if you do look like a prizefighter." She joked as they shared a laugh, Aziel feeling shocked since it's the first time he had laughed in a long time.

"Thank you and that fiancé was an asshole, fuck em. "he said as Madison's mouth dropped open, Aziel biting his lip again as he stood and offered her his hand.

"You're right, he is an asshole." She smiled as she took his hand, Aziel helping to get her bag strapped onto his bike before he helped her with a helmet.

"You ever been a Harley before?"

"No, but you only live once, right?" She smiled as Aziel couldn't help but grin, a small sly smirk on his face as he sat on his bike, Madison slipping in behind him.

Where are we going?" He said as Madison gave him the address, Aziel shocked that it was only a few houses down from him.

"Sons of Anarchy. Is that some sort of Motorcycle club?" She asked as the bike roared to life, Aziel smiled and nodded his head, Madison yelping as the bike lunged forward, her arms wrapping tightly around his waist as she got as close as possible.

"I won't let you fall, Madison, I got you." He said as they came to a stoplight, his smile fading as his thoughts turned to Sophia, remembering the first ride they had ever taken together. Aziel shook those thoughts away as he concentrated on the ride, her body pressed tightly to his as he couldn't help but have an impure thought or two.

"You need any help with anything? I can help you with moving boxes." He said as they pulled into the driveway of her small two-bedroom home, Madison's body shaking as she wasn't used to the vibrations of the motorcycle.

"Oh no, Aziel. I have asked way too much of you already."

"It's no problem. I don't want to go home to an empty house." He said as he helped her off the bike, her eyes locking to his as they shared a moment of pure understanding.

"I can make us some coffee if you want. I was going to use tomorrow to paint the bedroom but, if you wanted to help with that." She smiled as he grabbed her suitcase and followed her into the box-filled house, his mind finally calm as he had finally met someone who understood him. He couldn't talk to his brother in the MC and most of his family didn't approve of his lifestyle. The moment he met Madison however, he knew that his nights of loneliness were over.

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