Chapter One

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"Wow," Madison said as they stood in the freshly painted room, her body still filled with energy as her clock told her it was almost midnight. "This looks nice, thank you Aziel." She smiled as she rested her hand on his arm, a sweet moment shared between them as he looked down at her. She had never in her life met someone like Aziel, a man who looked like he could rip a tree in half but was the sweetest and most gentleman she had ever met.

"Anytime, thank you for keeping my mind busy."

"Would you like to talk about it? I can make us some more coffee?" She offered as they placed the paintbrushes down in the container, Madison covered in little specs of paint as Aziel stood almost completely clean.

"I'll have to take a raincheck on that Madison, and I don't mean this with any kind of motive but—I would like to see you again." He said as Madison shyly smiled and looked down at her shoes, her cheeks feeling warm as she blushed at his question.

"Of course, I already slipped my number into your leather vest, just call or text no matter what time day." She sweetly said as she walked him outside, the warm air not something she was used to since moving from Vermont.

"It's called a kutte, it's special to every member of the MC."

"What do your patches mean?" She asked as Aziel watched her run her fingers over the reaper patch, his head tilting as he memorized the curves of her face.

"This is the patch for the MC, this is when I got patched over, this one is because I'm from California and this one represents my Native heritage." He explained as her eyes got big with curiosity, something he wasn't used to since most women never asked about the patches.

"They are all really beautiful, if you want, I can clean them for you. My dad was in the military and taught me how to clean patches."

"I'll have to take you up on that sometime. I will text you later, so you have my number, but if you need anything just call okay. I don't live that far from you." He said as he buckled his helmet and slipped on his gloves, his eyes locked to hers as they both laugh nervously and looked away from each other.

"Ride safe." She smiled as she stepped back, her hand up in the air as she waved him off, Aziel waving back as he rode off down the street. The moment he stepped into his empty house he couldn't help but smile, his heart still racing as he allowed himself to feel the butterflies.

Aziel showered and slipped into a pair of sweats, his hair still wet and climbing to his shoulders and back as he sat down and texted Madison.

Hey, it's Aziel, tonight was nice. I haven't been able to just sit and talk with someone in a long time.

It was nice, we must do it again sometime. I will be home all day tomorrow if you want to come by. Goodnight Aziel.

He sighed as he read her message, his heart soaring as a part of him didn't want to get too involved with her, since the last time he allowed himself to love a woman, she broke his heart. He had tried for so long to move on, but Sophia was always in the back of his mind and his heart.

Aziel finally climbed into bed, his mind racing as he couldn't stop thinking about everything in his life. The MC was getting into territory that he wasn't liking, and he was tired of running guns and drugs for others, he wanted a ligament business.

He also couldn't stop thinking about Madison and how amazing she was from her sense of humor to her curiosity about the world. Aziel also couldn't help but notice but incredibly beautiful she was, especially when she would laugh. He knew he wanted to get to know her better, but he also wanted to make sure he took his time since getting his heart broken again wasn't on his bucket list.

The Beauty Of The Beast// AN SOA AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن