Chapter Thirteen

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WOW, I cannot believe this story has gotten the love that it has gotten, but like the saying goes all good things must come to an end. This is the second to the last chapter but in this chapter, I am introducing the next SOA AU character and yes he will have a stand-alone story! Thank you all so so so much from the bottom of my heart!

Madison watched as Aziel lifted his weights, the sweat glistening off his body as she couldn't help but want to tackle him at that moment. She knew however that he was full of anger and rage due to Happy coming to see her at treatment and he was right, it was extremely disrespectful to not only the club but to her as well.

"I brought you some water." She said as she approached him, Aziel smiling at her as he took the glass and downed the water, his eyes noticing the gaze she was giving him.

"You wanna fuck me—don't you?" He tased as she playfully pushed him, her heart starting to race as she suddenly felt dizzy. "Madi—Madi, here sit down," Aziel said as he noticed her face going pale, his arms encompassing her as he allowed her to collapse into his body.

"I don't like feeling like this." She whimpered as he picked her up bridal style and carried her inside. Madison sighed as he placed her on the couch among her big blankets and pillow, his hands cupping her face as he could see how miserable she felt.

"I want you to stay here, while I go to Charming."

"No, I want to go, Aziel. Please don't leave me here." She said as he felt so conflicted since he didn't want her suffering in the car or on his bike. "Today is just a bad day, I know tomorrow I will feel so much better."

"Just rest baby." He whispered as he kissed the top of her head and handed her to the remote to the tv a smirk on his face as she turned on her favorite comfort show, The Office. He knew she was worried about what the Doctor had said, but he was more than confidant they would find a bone marrow donor in time.


"How ya feeling baby?" Aziel asked as they pulled onto the highway, Madison holding on to him tight as she felt a sense of freedom once again. She was feeling a little sluggish, but she was more than overjoyed that Aziel had agreed to let her come to Charming since she didn't want to be away from him in case, he got in some kind of trouble due to Happy.

"I'm okay I promise." She said as she just enjoyed the ride, her mind finally able to relax for the first time in weeks. Ever since she found out she needed a bone marrow transplant her mind had not stopped imagining every terrible scenario, including her death. Her doctor had assured her she had a great chance to match on the national bone marrow registry, but she was still overly terrified.

When they finally pulled up into the parking lot of the Charming MC, Madison felt as if everyone was staring at her. She removed her helmet and tied her red scarf around her head, Aziel pulling her close as he could sense her anxiety.

"If anyone here bothers you, tell me I'll set them straight."

"I love you." She smiled as she rose on her toes and kissed the corner of his mouth. Before Aziel could answer a short guy with tattoos on the side of his head approached them, Madison smiling as she watched Aziel playfully pick him up in a bear hug.

"How was Stockton Juicy?"

"Fuck off man, this your wife?" He asked as Madison smiled awkwardly, Aziel pulling her to him as he proudly answered yes. "Happy is in the clubhouse."

"Good, bring him out, he and I need to have a chat."

"Jax isn't gonna like this, Zeus."

"Bring him out too." He said as Madison stood by the bike, her arms crossed over her chest as she felt a cool breeze blow all around them. Her body stiffened as she saw Happy walk from the clubhouse, Sophia following close behind him as she could see the "Oh shit" look on her face.

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