-Scrappy acquaintances-

Start from the beginning

This led into the late hours of the night, it was already hours past the sunset and Wilbur hadn't come down to eat nor socialize which he didn't do much of anyways, but once again Phil brushed it off as him being tired.

Little did he know, there Wil sat, shaking with both nerves and excitement.

One thing he didn't have very much of anymore.

He had only the things he needed plus maybe a few additional items he cared about.

Pocket money, extra sweater in case he got cold, bandaids (for the bush), his beanie, guitar in its case, and phone (with locations turned off).

He looked at a small framed photo of him Phil and Techno, he was considering bringing it but ultimately he didn't think it was important enough to bring.

He listened for a while as the moon began to shift in the sky, and for the house to go silent. He began to think.

I this really what I want? I know everyone else does...

He didn't have much time to ponder before it was time to go.

Opening his window, letting in the sound of crickets, he first carefully lowered his guitar case as far as he could until he could safely drop it into the bush. He did the same for his bag. He then followed.

With a *thud* he landed in the bush, he checked to make sure everything was fine, just some small scratches littered his arms but nothing major.

The most messed up part was his top half, his hair now messy with small leaves and twigs and dirt on his face.

He grabbed his stuff and began walking.

Looking back one more time, Wilbur huffed and looked away before continuing.

He walked through the outskirts of town, where no one would see him, eventually coming to a bridge over a lake near the woods.

He sat on the edge of it, no one would be driving by at this hour, especially where he lived.

He pulled out his guitar and began to play softly, a beautiful song, but a sad one. (you choose what you think he's playing (: ) He was so distracted by this thoughts and the music that he didn't notice the rustling of the bush behind him.

A small dirty creature creeped its way out of the forests, lulled in by the soft melody.

The blonde haired scruffy boy was mesmerized by the sounds, and as Wilbur finished the last few notes, he opened his eyes.

The boy began to back away, not wanting to scare him, but Wilbur heard anyways.

He glanced over at the noise, his eyes widened. He wasn't expecting company, especially from another human, but there stood a child. He looked to be about 7 or 8

"What's your name, little boy?" Wilbur spoke as calmly as he could.

But the child took a step back, scared.

"It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." He said, crouching down to the boys height.

"T-tommy" he said, cautiously, guard still up

"Hi Tommy, I'm Wilbur, would you like to be friends?"

891 words

Alright so first I'd like to explain the ages, Techno and Wil are twins cause ofc but they're both 15, and Tommy is 8, so about half his age

Second thing, I hope you liked my drawing plan 😏

Third, I know I have a lot of stuff I'm already writing rn but I am making this a whole story of its own because I love the concept so much. I don't know when that will happen, but soon.

We are literally so close to 100k it's crazy.

Soooo I was wondering what you think I should do for when we hit that

That's a pretty big fuckin number so I want to take your suggestions

If you can't think of any here are some but please do tell me your own ideas too:
• I could write a fluff oneshot because yk, I only write angst
• I could do a Q & A if you guys want to know more about me personally?
• Draw art for my own book? maybe even feature some of your art because why not?? I doubt anyone made art based off my book but if they did that would be very much awesome and I'd love them forever/hj/p

Anyways you all are so appreciated and amazing even if you don't realize it
I hope your having a good day/night/whatever time it is for you
Here's a hug headpat or handshake if you want it
And some blue: 💙💙💙💙💙💙

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