Chapter 21 training

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The next month Asta spent training with the black bulls he helped Vanessa with her magic making the strings stronger so they won't break as easily. He took Finral to the heart kingdom and made him teleport back to the clover kingdom over and over again. Charmy he didn't really do anything with because he didn't know how to awaken that other magic she had within her. Asta made Zora plant traps then both of them would fight while avoiding the traps Asta sensing where they were and Zora getting better at placing more over time. Grey he really didn't know what to do with so he just tried to help her be more confident. The way he got Gauche to train was by stealing his picture of Marie and having Gauche shoot at him with his mirrors to be more accurate. Magna he just had him shoot fire balls at him while Asta hit them back. With Luck no one really knew what they did cause they were moving to fast for anyone to see except Yami using his KI.Gordon went to his parents to train and with Nero they work on her sealing magic making it more combat suited. Then with him and Yami they worked on their sword fighting so Yami wouldn't be behind when fighting Zenon. Then last but not least there was Noelle Asta and her worked on Noelle's magic control without her wand and she was doing pretty good able to cast sea dragons roar. She was starting to not doubt herself as much any more and that's where our story is now.

"Good job Noelle now do it one more time and we'll end for the day Asta said.

"Ok Asta Noelle said as she launched sea dragons roar at Asta once again which he dispelled using his sword.

"Alright you've gotten a lot better this past month I'm proud of you good job Asta said.

"Hmph I'm don't need your praise Bakasta Noelle said.

"Oh my god he praised me Noelle thought.

Asta just laughed at what she said.

"Good to see you back to your old self Asta said with a smile as he sheathed his sword.

"Yeah whatever let's just go inside Noelle said.

"Yeah let's I can smell Charmy's cooking from here Asta said.

As they were walking to the entrance they both saw Yami coming towards them.

"Hey Noelle mind if I borrow Asta for a second he asked.

"Uh sure go ahead we just finished up Noelle said hesitantly.

"Alright you go on ahead Noelle I'll be there soon Asta said.

Noelle walked into the black bulls hideout leaving the two men alone.

"So what is it you wanna talk about Captain Asta asked.

"Why'd you lie kid Yami asked.

"What do you mean Asta questioned.

"I mean in the meeting you lied and said you would let us help but you're not I read your KI Yami said.

"How did you read my KI when you weren't even at the meeting Asta asked.

"I was I posed as Gray cause she was to scared to go Yami said.

"You know I found it weird Gray was there Asta said trying to steer the conversation away.

"So why'd you lie Yami asked.

"Cause it's better if everyone hates me and is alive than love me and be dead besides it better this way isn't it I'm just a demon brat Asta said.

"Do you know how much it would hurt everyone if you left and went to die like that it would hurt them more knowing you never intended to stay so you lie to them and hurt them even more for not picking up it before hand then they'll blame the selves for not saving you is that what you want Yami asked.

"No but it's better this way damnit that way they won't be in danger and live happy lives without me they've done it before they can do it again Asta said.

"You stupid brat take a damn minute and think about this you know how much mental harm you'd do hell Noelle cut herself when you were chased out of the kingdom Vanessa turned to almost drinking herself to death Magna and Luck went on the most dangerous mission wanting to die cause of what happened. What do you think will happen if you pulled some shit like that Yami yelled.

Asta took a second to think and realized that what Yami was saying was true he always thought about physical health but never the mental health of what his actions would do. He realized that this entire time he was only really thinking of himself.

"Well what should I do Yami you saw how badly your ass got kicked hell you'd all be dead if I didn't show up when I did so what should I do Asta yelled.

"Put your faith in us to get stronger kid your to young to but a burden like that on your shoulders Yami said.

"Fine I'll do that but not a word of this conversation gets out to anyone got it Asta said.

"Fine by me as long as you stay and let us help Yami said as he started walking back towards the hideout.

So the went back inside and ate talking about training and who's going to the heart kingdom. Yami told them he already decided and that Julius already knows but refused to tell anyone. After dinner everyone went to bed except Asta and Yami who was nowhere to be found.

"Hey kid wanna go fishing Yami asked.

"In the middle of the night? Asta asked.

"Sure why not tomorrow's the day we take a break isn't it Yami said.

"Sure why not besides we can have some fish for breakfast Asta said as he grabbed a fishing rod and bucket and headed with Yami to the lake.

"So how many fish you plan on catching Yami asked.

"More then you Asta said.

"Oh you're playing it that way ok then I'll catch more than you Yami said.

"You know this is the first time you've taken me fishing what made you wanna go in the first place Asta asked.

"Just felt like it and you were the only one still up so why not Yami said.

"Oh I think I got a bite Asta said trying to reel the fish in.

"Looks like you're struggling there Yami said while laughing.

"Cause this fuckers big Asta said still trying to reel it in.

"Jesus Christ this thing must be massive Yami said as he went to help Asta.

Both men pulled and pulled the fish barely giving up any ground until Asta lost his footing and the fish pulled them both in. Both fell in the lake and looked at each other and laughed while Asta thought one thing.

"Is this what having a dad feels like.

And here's the training chapter now it'll be another time skip for the next chapter then the chapter after that it'll be off to the heart kingdom and tragedy and shit anyway comment you don't have a choice in this anyway see you next time.

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