Chapter one

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April's POV

Grh Grh ,Grh the sound of my alarm woke me up .Arrgh how much I hate walking up so early in the morning.. I literally have an interview this morning ,not really been in a stable job for a while now ,just got a call yesterday to come for an interview to teach a four year old child ,like do they go for an interview for that too ??..Maybe

Teaching has actually been my hobby right from when I was little ,like it my dream to be able to impact knowledge on others ,but I need to drop it ,I can't be selfish enough to follow my dreams and not Look for possible means to feed for my family who is only my little Brother

Speaking of my bro ,where could he be?

"Hey April" he entered fixing his brown hairs..

"You are up early?" I asked getting up as well heading towards the washroom

"Yeah ,got few errands to run for Mrs Wendy" The connection between he and Mrs Wendy no one can understand ,though she has been like a mother figure to us since our parent passed away ,she will always drop by after returning from the small cafe she runs, she makes sure we are okay,I just wish I can be spending sometime with her just like Andrew does but I need to put food on the table though I seldomly go there ,the poor woman has been lonely since her husband and child died in a fire accident 5 years ago ,the memory still fresh in my brain .

I quickly got out of the washroom,heading to my wardrobe, I don't have much though ,but I picked up one of my favorite which is a pencil black trousers and a pink shirt ,then I simply put on my flat shoe ,tying my hair in a single bun ,not really a make up freak so I only put on a lip gloss

"Andrew am off, make something for yourself" I half yelled for him to hear

"You know how much I hate doing that " he said stomping his feet on the ground like a child with a pout coming into my sight

"Sorry Bambino, but you have to learn ,I wouldn't be with you all the days of my life " I said patting his hair ,I honestly don't know why I said that ,but I know am not going to be with him all her life so he should be independent...I sometimes treat him

I alighted from the taxi I boarded and paid him ,looking at the mansion in front of me ,it magnificent,or is there any other amazing name I can call it ? It a freaking mansion ,I wonder how many people lives here ..I pressed the doorbell waiting for anyone to attend to me .I just pray I get this job ,it my only hope for now, have not really have a permanent job for awhile I only assist Mrs Wendy in her small cafe ,and she gives me small tips ,though I rejected it times without numbers ,but Mrs Wendy being Mrs Wendy insisted ..

Just then the door open slightly,

"Hello, how may I hope you ?' A pretty lady in a blonde hair asked

"Hi am here for an interview to...."

"Oh ,you are the new teacher ?" She interrupted smilling brightly at me now

"Not really still ...."

"The interview was cancelled,he needed a teacher ugently " she said signalling me to come in ...I wonder who would do an interview to be an home teacher for a four year old child I mentally rolled my eyes ,maybe they do ? I don't know ...

I was still deep in my thought ,not even observing my surroundings..

"Have your seat maam"
Oh well ..I was inside already ,but boy if I say this house wasn't beautiful am just kidding. It as if the house was made of glass ,everywhere was sparkling glittery ,everything here was screaming "Rich" it looks more like those houses in the magazines.

"I will be right back ma'am " the blonde haired lady who was looking in her early thirty said .

"April ,am April" I replied smilling up at her .she using "ma'am" to me makes me feel old ,but hell no am am only 24

" Oh..I will be right back A...pril" she said with a nervous smile bowing a little to me. Gosh ,is she always this respectful?
"I didn't get your name?" I half yelled to her making her stop abruptly,turning around she replied

" Serene "
I only gave her a smile in return and she left.this house is a damn palace ,who owns this place must be multi-billionaire

"Who are you "
A thick voice obviously laced with annoyance jolted me from my thought ..looking back to the direction of the voice ......Damn!!!

Was he human? How can such a beautiful person be on this Earth ?I looked at his deep blue eyes ,down to his chiselled jaw ,to his toned muscle bulging out of his white T-shirt ,his hair are ......

"I thought I asked a question" he said folding his arm around his chest , irritation obviously laced in his voice

"Erm...hello am April.." I replied him nervously playing with my fingers ,I tend to do that when am nervous ,though my eyes were on him .

"I never asked for your name you know " he said still with his cold stare "I mean what are you doing in my here in my a-p-a-r-t-m-e-n-t " he said stressing on the "apartment"

Woah ,the audacity of this man ,who does he think he is? I just need to control my temper ,since he owns this place then technically am going to be teaching his son or brother?? Whatever.. I just need to be on his good side ,I fucking need this job..he should just thank his stars,if not am not the type that stays quite when others insult or embarrass me..

"Am the new teacher here sir " I said ,forcing out a fake smile to him and extending my hands to him .

But he...oh ,he....the jerk only scoff and walked out on me ,I think he should be given a medal for the rudest man on Earth ..
Walking back to one of the seat ,I slump down ,bringing my phone out ,I decided to play my candy crush ,the only medcine to my boredom..
Just then I heard a tiny voice
" Hey"
Looking to the direction of the voice ,I saw a cute little boy with a big lollipop in his mouth..looking up at me with his light blue eyes

"Hello little one "?

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