"She's fine. I wanted to talk to you about her." Reyna looked at him disturbed.
"You must be crazy to think I will talk behind my best friend's back," she snapped.
"I didn't mean it that way. I wouldn't do that, I like her," he instantly defended himself.
"Like like or love?" Reyna asked curiously. He wasn't entirely sure.

"Not what I wanted to talk about. It's about Luna being supernatural." She immediately got serious and stopped in her tracks.
"Around the corner are tables. Let's sit down, I have some time." And so did Lucas and he wanted to know a lot. Luna would come in like one and a half hours, that should be enough time.

They sat down opposite of each other at the table. Reyna supported her elbow on the table and rested her head in her hand. Her nails tapped on the table.
"What do you wanna know?" she asked, looking up.

She rolled her eyes. "Start with questions."
"Does Luna know she's supernatural?" He knew the answer to that one.
"She has no idea. Luna doesn't even know of our existence."
"But she's supernatural?"

"You smell it, I smell it, witches and fairies see a supernatural aura around her, and shapeshifters feel a supernatural presence. We all know she's supernatural and we all see her cluelessness."
"If Luna's supernatural, her parents have to be too and they would have told her."
"I don't know why they didn't tell her. Maybe they don't know about supernaturals either."

"What are her parents?" He folded his hands on the table.
"That's a complicated question." Reyna paused a second to decide where to start. "You see, Luna didn't always show her supernatural side like this. Back then, she showed as human, but as time went on, she was showing both. Sometimes she appeared human, sometimes she appeared supernatural. Now, she only shows her supernatural side." Reyna sighed, the tapping had slightly stopped.

"Back then, I never checked her parents' kind. She was human, why shouldn't her parents be? It wasn't interesting either. Later, when her supernatural side showed, I wanted to check her parents, but they were never there. They often go on business trips and back then, they left her with her aunt, who's human. Later, Luna was old enough to stay alone and know Luna lives alone, her parents moved down to New York City."

"Doesn't that sound a little bit weird? Her being supernatural and her parents not telling her? What reason could there be?"
"As I said, I don't know." She started tapping her nails on the table again. She was lying.
"You know something. Can't you tell me? Is it because Luna wouldn't like it?" Lucas dug deeper. Reyna stayed quiet.

"Okay. Can I ask what you think she is?"
"Either witch, shapeshifter, or fairy, but only because she should've already gone through a transformation if she would be like you or me."
"Didn't any of her powers show? Ever?" Reyna shook her head.

Lucas fell back in his chair, he had thought that Reyna might have seen some of her powers accidentally show. That could give him at least a suggestion of what Luna could be.
They remained quiet for a moment.
"Why didn't you ever tell her? You think she wouldn't believe in supernaturals?"

"She would believe it," Reyna said. "Luna loves the supernatural stuff. If she got to know, she would be terrified, but amazed too. On top of that, Luna's-" 
"Curious. She wants to learn new things," Lucas interrupted.
"Exactly. I don't know for sure how she would react to all this stuff, but I think she would take it and want to know everything."

Lucas smiled. In the last days he found out how much of a lively girl Luna was.
"But you can't tell her. The reason I never talked to Luna about it is that I don't know her parents' wishes. It could be that they want to protect her from something or grow up in a less dangerous world," Reyna demanded.

"I won't tell her, but I think something's off. Also, her parents are forbidding Luna to feel complete and know who she is. Her powers are a part of her."
"I know, but what should I do?" She was right. He couldn't just go to Luna and tell her she was supernatural, but he had no idea what she was.

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