Part 13 - The Student becomes the Teacher.

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The booming collisions of human limbs echoed throughout the large, dark, cold concrete cube of the underground training ground. Two figures clashed against each other in a beautiful symphony of Taijutsu as a lone stone-cold glare observed the pair. Their clashes were brought to a stalemate as a young man, whose short spiky red hair flowed seamlessly in the sudden stop of motion, had jumped away after his left kick had been parried by the young woman he sparring with.

The two had stood opposite each other, the pair being as still as statues, being separated by mere metres. The competitive glares shine through their masks. Their reprieve ended abruptly when the redhead had vanished in a display of pure strength, the ANBU armour of the body and black under-armour of the male disappearing instantly. Whilst the cat-like appearance of the woman's mask stood as stalwart as her gaze, with her posture composed and firm, the ANBU amour complementing this greatly, presenting the visage of a stone wall.

After a few moments of silence and inaction, the young man suddenly appeared behind his opponent, launching a ferocious axe kick towards the woman's skull to which she had blocked with the right forearm, with her left hand grabbing onto the sandal of kitsune masked man. However before she could bring her opponent down to the ground she suddenly lost her grip through the sudden jolt of the man leg, releasing the leg and opening her up for a follow up to which the young boy immediately took. With the redhead shifting to his left as he sent the black-haired woman skidding across the cold stone ground through the vicious impact of the man's foot onto her head.

Recoiling from the impact, she immediately stood back up with her head now spinning as she tried to recover from the harsh blow, though before she could get her bearings the redhead was already in her face before vanishing from her sight. With the redhead now forcing her to concede through a headlock through an arm around her neck and under her right arm. With this concession, the grip vanished as she then took a knee as she grasped her head, her vision still a little disoriented through the kick now recovering slowly. Though as she recovered, her vision now clear, she was helped up by the young redhead as a small smile formed under her cat-like mask as the pair walked over to their instructor.

On their way, she analysed the fighting style of her teammate. The self-titled "Flying Maelstrom" style was a form of Taijutsu created by her teammate and worked by continuously pressuring their opponent through quick and strong attacks. It was incredibly acrobatic, as it relied on kicks to keep an opponent off-balance and on the back foot, not allowing an enemy to recover or plan before the next attack. She couldn't help but be utterly impressed by the work of her teammate, as despite the last couple of weeks of training she had with her teammate now, she still couldn't find any way of winning with the restrictions present in the spars, being that it was strictly Taijutsu meaning that use of any Kekkei Genkai such as the Sharingan and any Ninjutsu such as the Shadow Clone Jutsu was not allowed.

As within her mind, the restrictions made the spars almost impossible to win as one of the main focuses of her Interceptor Fist was the prediction of her opponent's movements. Without the Sharingan, in addition to the unpredictability of her teammate's style of fighting, made her Taijutsu style was essentially useless. Though, to be realistic, she was significantly, physically weaker than her teammate so that would also play a large factor in why she just couldn't win.

Her musings quickly ended as soon as they reached their instructor, with said instructor taller than pair, though not by much in Naruto's case being only two inches taller than him. His deathly glare directed straight at her to which her teammate noticed and interjected.

"Sir, can I request that we allow the use of external elements into our Taijutsu spars such as the Kekkei Genkai and Certain Ninjutsu?" Naruto spoke professionally never everting his gaze away from the wall directly in front of him. Though, as polite and respectful as Naruto tried to be it would never be enough for their instructor as he heavy punch to his gut as he flinched greatly and felt like he wanted to drop to the flow, but stood tall as he firmed the blow, much to the aggravation of the elder ROOT member.

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