Chapter 2 - Initation of a dream

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Naruto's eyes flickered to life as he became conscious of his body's condition. A large groan came from the young boy as he tried to get up, only to realise that he couldn't get up. Large waves of pain erupted from his body causing Naruto's eyes to widen as a result of all of the pain. As more and more waves of agony rushed through the poor boy a few tears came from his eyes. Though despite the tidal waves of agony that coursed through his body, to others, it would appear as though he was performing an elaborate act due to the lack of visible, physical injury present on the downed boy.

All of his wounds from stab wounds from knives to burns were healed but left scars, ones that couldn't be seen from a distance. For Naruto this type of abuse had been the first of its kind. He had always faced constant verbal abuse but never did they dare to hurt him to such an extent to knock him unconscious and ridden with scars.

He assumed that the Third had something to do with this and the ANBU, the personal guard to be specific. As the directly reported to the Hokage and, from what he could gather, the Hokage knew of his tenant and was the reason for his life being somewhat barrable but whenever he looked into the old man's eyes he could always see an unbearable guilt and sense of failure.

This began to make him wonder on what he was to the Hokage. He certainly wasn't related to the man as he wouldn't of had this poor of an upbringing but who could of had such a profound impact on him. His parents. He realised that as soon as he asked that question to himself but then that brought up more questions. Who were his parents? How were they related to the Third? and why were they killed and him orphaned?. He decided to find that out himself when he got back to the library to find out who the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi was before him. But first he had to get back to the Orphanage.

He sat on the ground for about 10 minutes before he could pull himself off the ground and after another 20 minutes of sitting he finally found the strength to be able to walk back to the orphanage. What he saw on the way there was a sea of glee. At his condition in particular. Something expected but something he had hoped they would ignore like they would everyday. Constant murmuring of him being a demon and his parents being spawn of the devil made his anger rise to its breaking point.

"Oi demon go away, no body here gives a second glance at your existence." Spoke a man behind a stand gaining a visible, collective nod from most of the people on the street.

"You Shut Up!" Naruto shouted. Gaining a lot of gasps from many of the people there, as for many this was the first time they even heard the voice of the young child they thought to be the devil reincarnated. "All of you Shut Up! I don't care if you disrespect me because you are ignorant in the arts of sealing but you do not disrespect people associated with me! Especially my parents!" he shouted, as his eyes let out a storm surge of tears as he sprinted with all of his might to the orphanage.

His outburst had angered a small minority of the people there but most had realised that the rumours that they had heard. Were just that, rumours. Spread about the boy to act as a scapegoat so that people could live normally again. It had opened the eyes of some that the being that they had ostracized was but a poor child. His outburst felt too human. Something that couldn't be replicated by the Kyuubi that they had all of heard about.

Naruto himself felt as if he had let but a fraction of his true emotions off his chest and it felt amazing. He felt free. He felt as though he was a person and not the village demon and scapegoat. His joy had come to an abrupt halt as he the orphanage came into view as he saw what little possessions he had outside along with the matron outside looking very angry. As he got closer she noticed him and her gaze was murderous. 'The same as those men' he thought.

"Uzumaki Naruto, do you know how late you are!?" she asked angrily, pinching his ear as he got within range of his stuff. Said 'stuff' being 3 sets of clothes and 3 books. The 3 books being on the 3 shinobi world wars. The third war being the most interesting, in his opinion, but mainly because it was where the Fourth gained his title as the 'Yellow Flash of Konoha'. "and how did your clothes get completely destroyed?!" she screamed at him, making him fall onto the ground as she pushed him onto the ground, making Naruto wince a little in pain.

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