Chapter 3.

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Megan Pov.

Megan: 'So..' I muttered making the girl look up at me with those eyes. She then smirked and walked over to me sitting next to me on the couch.

Y/n: 'So' she replied and crossed her leg over her other one then reached for her phone. Not wanting her to go back on her phone I turned to her and bit my lip 'what are you looking at?' she asked me and chuckled lightly. My god that noise.

Megan: 'Random question, what's your life's motto?' I asked out of intrigue to what she would say. The girl tilted her head slightly and smiled.

Y/n: 'Any holes a goal' she said and burst out laughing like a little child. I rolled my eyes and fake gagged 'Nah I'm just kidding' she muttered 'Some people won't love you no matter what you do, And some won't stop loving you no matter what you do... So go where the love is' she gazed at me waiting for an answer 'It's stupid I know, it's just something I live by' she said turning away almost embarrassed.

Megan: 'It's a good motto' I smiled seeing her flush a light shade of red with an unhideable grin on her face 'Y/n' she hummed. 'Why don't you ever let the world see the good in you?' I asked making her face drop.

The tall girl turned to me and rubbed the back of her neck.

Y/n: 'Because when people see good they expect good...' she spoke 'And I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations' I moved my hand up to her face making her flinch at first then she relaxed into it. I stroked her cheek and hummed.

Megan: 'You should show your good side more often, a girl could fall for you' i muttered. she ran her fingers over the top of my hand and closed her eyes.

Y/n: 'what if I don't want just any girl to fall for me' Was she referring to me? Nah surely not. I mean if I wasn't with Colsen she would probably have jumped my bones and left without a second thought already. Shes Y/n Blanchett after all.

Megan: 'Well put your energy into someone you could have a future with...' I mumbled and stood up 'Because it's rare to find that someone' she nodded and stood up with me a look of disappointment to her expression.

Y/n: She pulled her phone from her pocket and looked at it making me roll my eyes and begin to walk away. I reached the door when she spoke up 'Can you see a future with Colson?' she asked. I froze in the spot.

Megan: 'he's the most permanent thing in my life' I spoke truthfully and turned around to look at the incredibly attractive girl 'Ill choose him... Always' She sighed and nodded then went back to her phone making me walk out of the door.

Confused and Scared were the only emotions I could count myself as feeling right now.

Y/n Pov.

I walked out of the door after saying goodbye to Colsen with Megan on my mind. My heart was racing and I truly didn't have a single clue why. I sat in my car and opened my phone seeing a missed call from Kendall.


Kendall Nicole Jenner, why'd you call me? 😼Some sex perhaps.


I told you that will never happen again. WE WERE DRUNK anyways Y/n Blanchett, we are having a party at mine and I want to introduce you to a certain someone who has a crush on you 😏


You say that now but later you'll be begging for this D... Is she hot and worth the drive Kennie?🥱 


YOU tell me... and I will not be begging you, cheeky fucker.

 and I will not be begging you, cheeky fucker

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Yeah ok, I'm on my way see you in 15 😎


See you in 15 y/n 💘

I looked up and saw Megan in the window making me go wide-eyed and wave at her. She instantly ducked down so she was out of view making me chuckle a little knowing she probably didn't want me to have seen her...

Why am I so intrigued by this actress?

Kendalls House...

I knocked on the door and yawned then grabbed the beer from my car and made my way back up to the entrance. Kendall answered and screamed.

Kendall: 'Finally!' she shouted and dragged me inside 'Now, be nice to this girl shes one of my best friends' I grinned and wrapped my arm over her shoulder.

Y/n: 'When am I not nice?' I asked, her face lit up as though this was her big opportunity.

Kendall: 'One night stands with MY friends hmmm... Kaia Gerber, Hailey Bieber, Emily Ratajowski, Adriana Lima' I cut her off and placed my hand over the brunette's mouth.

Y/n: 'ANY MORE' I shouted 'I promise I'll be nice to this one' I spoke making her give me a disapproving glare but shake it off as this beautiful rare beauty kind of girl came towards us.

Kendall: 'Y/n, Bella, Bella, Y/n' I smiled charmingly and stook my hand out Megan's words ringing in my ear "well put your energy into someone you can see a future with" were the words I remembered. I knew I couldn't have Megan so maybe just maybe I'll like the girl in front of me.

Bella: The blue-eyed girl grasped my hand with hers. Her grip was strong. 'Kendalls told me a lot of things about the infamous Y/n Blanchett, It's nice to finally meet you' I nodded and bit my lip. Her voice was like music to my ears,

Y/n: 'All good things I hope' She nodded and chuckled lightly.

Kendall: 'well don't you too look like a good couple' i punched her in the arm not hard enough to hurt her and she gave me an extremely annoying face.

Y/n: 'Do you want to sit somewhere quiet?' I asked she said yes and with that, we made our way outside to a silent corner we could actually hear each other in.

Bella: 'I'm a really big fan of your music' she spoke making me look at her and tilt my head a small smile appearing from the corners of my mouth.

Y/n: 'Really?' I asked, she nodded and moved a little closer to me.

Bella: 'It's not hard to fall in love with your music. There's a whole lot of emotions in it' I never really realised how much emotions I put into my music but I've heard the same exact thing from a lot of people. The thing with myself is that I keep a lot of things bottled up and use music as a form of release which means people can actually hear that... Crazy.

Y/n: 'So...uh would you be completely against going on a like lunch type deal with me?' I asked she smiled and moved some of the hair which had fallen onto her face behind her ear.

Bella: 'Is the heartless Y/n Blanchett asking me on a date?' I guess I was?




FORBIDDEN SOULMATE. {Megan Fox/You}Where stories live. Discover now