Scenario 124: DXD's Ninja Of Ninja And The Newcomer..!

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Revice Driver: REVI! VICE! RE~VICE!

The belt and stamp announced revealing the newest and fiftieth Kamen Rider, now revealed to be Kamen Rider Revice!

Revi: "Ikki ni ikuze!"

(Translation: "Let's go at once!")

Katerea: "How many people are going to interrupt me on this accursed day!"

Vice: "Ikki! Ikki! Look! Waite kita ze!"

(Translation: "It's boiling!")

He said teasing Katarea as she looked red with frustration!

Katarea: "WHY YOU!"

She exclaimed as she fired a blast using her magic as Revi summoned his weapon...

She exclaimed as she fired a blast using her magic as Revi summoned his weapon

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OhinBuster50: OHINBUSTER50!

It announced as Revi quickly passed Vice his own weapon, a small weapon which had transformed into a small gun..!

GundePhone50: GUNDEPHONE50!

Vice: "Thank you, Aibou!"

He exclaimed as he went wild, with Revi cutting the magic imbued blast in two with the OhinBuster50 in it's ax mode!

Revi: "Nice try!"

Vice: "But it was no good, so here's ours!"

He exclaimed, shooting at her, as Revi used the Ohin Buster in its gun mode, slowly overpowering her magic shields, as she then sends multiple Nilrem Magicians, to which some of them got shot down by both Revi and Vice, as the two looked at each other and nodded, both deciding to finish this small skirmish quickly..!

ViStamp: REMIX! 


The belt announced as  Revi jumped up and his feet were then held up by Vice as the two oddly combined with their armor enlarging and mutating, forming a pseudo-T-Rex!

The belt announced as  Revi jumped up and his feet were then held up by Vice as the two oddly combined with their armor enlarging and mutating, forming a pseudo-T-Rex!

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