♾️Friends For Life♾️

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Nina's POV
2 Days later

I woke up early and saw Minho and Thomas standing at the wall. I ran to them. "MINHO THOMAS WAIT" I yelled. They looked at me. I finally got to them just as the doors open. "Be safe Min please" I said hugging him before turning to Thomas. "Tommy that counts for you too" I said hugging him. They smiled and nodded before leaving. "Come back safe" I yelled.

I walked to the cliff and sat there just thinking. I looked at the sunrise. I there for a few more minutes in complete silence into I heard footsteps. "There you are" I heard. I looked at the person. "What's up Chuck" I said looking back off the cliff. "Everyone is looking for you and they think you went into the maze because they couldn't find you" he said as he sat down next to me.

"And I'm guessing they asked you to help look for me" I said he nodded and chuckled. "I knew they didn't look here because nobody knows about this place" he said. "Well I wouldn't say nobody" I said looking at him. "Tommy knows" I said with a sad smile. "He knows?" he asked shocked. "Yeah he found me here when we all went to sleep and I couldn't sleep" I said he nodded and smiled at me.

"You didn't tell anyone about this place did you?" I asked hopeful he didn't. "No it's still your little secret place, to get away from everyone" he smiled. "Thanks Chuck" I smiled. "No problem but I think we should go back breakfast should be ready by now" he said getting up. I giggled and got up walking with him back. "If someone asked I was walking around the woods" I said as we got closer. He smiled and nodded.

We got back to find everyone looking. Chuck looked at me and smiled before yelling "Found her" everyone looked at us and looked relieved. Newt, Jake and Els ran to me. "Where have you been Nina?" Jake asked really loud. "Jake not now please" I said softly looking down. "She was looking around the woods" Chuck said looking at Jake.

"Well let's go get breakfast" Newt said. "Sure but I just need to talk to Nina quickly we'll get you there" Jake said I looked at Chuck. "I'll get you food" Chuck smiled and I nodded. They left and Jake and I were standing there. "Why do you always disappear Nina?" Jake asked loud looking at me.

"I just wanted to go for a walk" I said not looking at him. He hugged me. "Nina I just don't want you to get hurt or anything" he said. I hugged back. "I know Jake" I said as I pull away. He nodded and we went to the rest. Jake had to get himself breakfast but Chuck had gotten me breakfast.

I sat down with Chuck and he handed me the food. "Eat up you'll need the energy" he smiled at me. We ate and told Frypan we would help him wash up so he could think about lunch. We were cleaning up when I started singing softly hoping no one would hear me.

"Nina there's going to be another bonfire tonight and Chuck here can join until his bedtime" Fry said. "That's the best news ever" I said back. Frypan laughed and shook his head. "Just don't let him drink" Fry said. "I would never" I said playing offended. "Yeah Nina but just know I'll be watching you" Fry joked. "Yeah yeah whatever you say Fry" I laughed.

Later that night. We were all sitting in groups. Chuck and I were sitting together and talking about everything and nothing. I had a drink and Chuck had water. I looked at everyone else and smiled. I loved them all and I had a really bad feeling that I had to tell them I loved them like family. So that's what I decided to do. I got up and walked over to Gally and pulled him aside.

"Gally I just wanted to tell you that I love you like a brother" I said looking at him. He smiled and hugged me. "I don't know what happened before the maze but I love you like a sister we all do trust me" he said as he let go of me. I smiled and told everyone that I loved them like family one by one and went back to Chuck. "Chuck I need to tell you something" I said.

"You can tell me anything when we walk to my hammock because I'm sleepy but I want to ask you something" he said as he stood up. I nodded and he said goodnight to everyone. We started walking to the hammocks. "I love you like a brother" I said. "I love you too Nina" he smiled as he hugged me. "What did you want to ask me" I said as he let go. He looked at me and smiled. "Can you sing me a song please?" he asked. I smiled and nodded.

I sang 'Bottom of the River by Delta Rea' until he fell asleep. Before he fell asleep he gave me something. I smiled and went back to the others. I sat a few feet away from the others and looked at the sky and taking sips of my drink every now and then. "Hey want some company?" someone asked. "Sure" I said moving up a bit. "I heard you said you love everyone except for me" he said.

I looked at the boy to see Newt. "I couldn't find you Newtie" I said. "Oh well I'm here now" he smiled looking at me. "Newt I know we don't know each other very long but I love you like a best friend" I said smiling at him. "I love you too Nina" he said as he gave me a side hug. We sat there for a while longer in the hugging position and just talked until we went to bed.

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