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Nina's POV

I woke up staring at the sky. I got up and looked at my two friends. "Guys wake up we need to hide before someone sees us" I said. They got up and got their backpacks on. We walked to a dark alleyway. We didn't have any family but we did have hiding spots for the day. We didn't have to steal money from people because someone would leave money in the school.

We would hide in the school and the money would be at the same spot. By the piano. We would always sing while one of us play the piano. We walked to the school in the shadows obviously. Once we got there we ran to the music room. We walked in and gasped. "That looks more than usual" Jake said. I nodded and walked to the piano. We put the money into our backpacks. There were always 3 piles.

"My turn today" I smiled as the two of them sat down. "Do you guys want me to sing or are we going to sing it together?" I asked looking at them. "What do you want to sing?" Jake asked. "I was thinking Lost boy" I said looking at them. They smiled. "We all sing like we did last time" Els said. I started to play and I start to singing.

"There was a time when I was alone, nowhere to go no place to call, my only friend was the man in the moon and even sometimes he would go away too, then one night, as I closed my eyes I saw a shadow flying high" I looked at Els to continue.

"He came to me with the sweetest smile told me he wanted to talk for a while, he said "Peter Pan, that's what they call me, I promise that you'll never be lonely" and ever since that day..." she sang and smiled at Jake.

"I am a lost boy from Neverland usually hanging out with Peter Pan and when we're bored we play in the woods always on the run from Captain Hook, "Run, run lost boy" they say to me away from all of reality, Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free, Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free..." Jake sang.

"He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe, believe in him and believe in me, together we will fly away in a cloud of green to your beautiful destiny..." I sang.

"As we soared above the town that never loved me, I realized I finally had a family, soon enough we reached Neverland peacefully my feet hit the sand and ever since that day..." Els sang.

"I am a lost boy from Neverland usually hanging out with Peter Pan and when we're bored we play in the woods always on the run from Captain Hook, "Run, run lost boy" they say to me away from all of reality, Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free, Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free... "Jake sang.

"Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy darlin, even Captain Hook you are my perfect story book, Neverland I love you so, you are now my home sweet home, Forever a lost boy at last..." I sang.

"Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy darlin, even Captain Hook you are my perfect story book, Neverland I love you so, you are now my home sweet home, Forever a lost boy at last and for always I will say..." Els sang.

"I am a lost boy from Neverland usually hanging out with Peter Pan and when we're bored we play in the woods always on the run from Captain Hook, "Run, run lost boy" they say to me away from all of reality, Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free, Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free..." we all sang together.

I stopped playing and smiled as I looked at them until we heard clapping. Our heads shot to the door where there were standing a boy and two girls. "You guys have amazing voices" a girl with a red jacket said. "Thanks" Jake said looking at them. "I like the song" the boy said. "Yeah I haven't heard it what is it called" the other girl with raven black hair asking.

"Lost boy" Jake said as he stood up and stood in front of me and Els. "It's a nice song what are your names?" the boy asked. "I'm Jake this is Elsabe and this is Nina" he said pointing to us. "I'm Henry this is my mom Emma and my other mom Regina" the boy said. We just nodded and stood up.

"I never seen you guys before do you go to school here?" Henry asked. We just shook our heads no before walking closer to them. Henry looked at Emma. "Can they come with us to Granny's please" he begged. "Sure but it's going to come out of your allowance" Emma said as she looked at us.

"Well let's go shall we" Regina said as she gets ready to leave. "Come on kids" Emma said as she and Regina walk out. We looked at each other and looked at Henry that was waiting for us. "We won't hurt you" he said as he had a soft smile on his face. "Okay" we said as we walked with him.

We got to Granny's and walked in. "You kids can sit together me and Regina are going to sit and talk" Emma said. We nodded and sat down. Not long after a girl walks over to us. "Hey Henry what would it be?" she smiled at him. He looked at us. "Do you guys like hot coco?" he asked. Jake nodded and smiled. "4 hot coco's" Henry smiled at her. "Coming right up" she said before she leaves.

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