Chapter 11 - Shopping

Start from the beginning

"Hey Issy, I wwas wondering if yuyou wanted to go shopping with me in ttown for a bit." He grinned at me. His stutters almost none existent anymore.

I nodded, "sure, Id love to get out of this overly quiet castle for a bit." I reached over grabbed a hoodie, knowing it was going to be chilly once we passed through the portal.

Thankfully the portal was wherever you wanted it to be and Ivan had chosen close to the mall. I rarely came here growing up because the humans emotions just screamed at me. I was grateful that as I got older I learned how to block them out better and better.

"So whats the occasion Ivan?"

He grabbed my hand, holding it as we entered. Swinging our arms back and forth. He was so fun to be around, "I wanted to get my sister something for her birthday next week and I was hoping you could help me pick it out."

"Sure, Id love to." We began to walk down the mall searching store after store. Not finding anything too appealing. "Well what kinds of things does she like?" It was really hard to shop for someone that I really didn't know. So I waited for him to give me some details to help me out.

He described his sister as someone just like me. She loved horses and the outdoors. Animals tended to love being around her. So we headed into a jewelry store. I looked through the necklaces, knowing exactly what I was looking for. It took us 3 of them before I finally found what I thought she would love. Hell I would love to have it.

This was the only store I had seen them at. There were two of them. It was a gold necklace with a horseshoe pendant. Inside the pendant there were rubies incased in the gold. The other one was identical, except it had emeralds in the horseshoe.

I kind of jumped a bit when I seen it, giddy with excitement of finally coming across something I knew she would love. " This is definitely what you should get her. It is amazing." He smiled at me and told me thanks for helping him.

Just as Ivan was paying for it he asked me to run next door and get us a slushy. I smiled at him and went to the slushy stand around the corner as he payed for the necklace. I was having a great afternoon. After paying for them, I walked back to the jewelry store. With his blue raspberry slushy in hand and I had a cherry one. We drank them slowly, as we attempted to stop from getting a brain freeze.

"All set" I asked him? He nodded before we walked on towards where the door was we came in at.

Ivan looked at me, he looked almost nervous. "I was wwondering if you would care to have ddinner with me? I know this fantastic restaurant down the street. "

Ivan was so awesome, and I had nothing better to do so I agreed. He grabbed my hand and lead the way. It felt nice to hold his hand, so I didnt bother to pull away. I liked my hand in his. Maybe I was being selfish because I liked Shayde to but I wasn't about to ruin this day for anything. I decided to ignore them thoughts and followed along.

The restaurant wasn't overly fancy but it was a comfortable family type place that had the most amazing ribs I think I had ever had. I was covered with barbeque sauce. Ivan could only chuckle at me for making such a mess of myself. Why I decided to eat ribs right now was beyond me. They just sounded so good, and they definitely lived up to their expectations. They were definitely finger licking good!

As the evening went on, we talked about school and our powers. Of course I didn't tell him about my new found powers. It was so very important, that he just think, I could read peoples thoughts. He was so excited when he told me that he had made it rain the other day. He admitted that he had yet to make it freeze into snow. But he was getting better and the pride he showed was admirable.

"Hey Issy, I need to run to the restroom. I will be right back." he excused himself and I was still trying to clean out all the barbeque sauce from under my fingernails.While I was so engrossed in what I was doing, I barely heard a piano begin to play behind me.

I didn't turn around at first. I swayed to the wonderful notes.  I just listened to the beautiful music until I began to feel like I must turn around. That I had to do it. It wasn't the point of just wanting to turn around. It was like a necessity. When I did finally turned around, I couldn't believe what my eyes showed to me.

Ivan was sitting at a grand piano just literally playing his soul through the notes. I was awestruck. He was absolutely amazing. I don't think I have ever heard anything more beautiful. The entire time that he played he stared into my eyes. It was as if the music was feeding my body and soul with each and every note.

My heart was racing as the notes progressed on. I caught myself holding my breath in anticipation for what he would play next. He music was taking on a journey all on its own. I stared back at Ivan, feeling a new admiration and feeling grow inside me.

I couldn't even speak. Ivan finished his song and everyone applauded for him. But I didn't, I couldn't. He always managed to surprise me. He got up and walked over to me, kneeling before me. Placing one hand on my cheek. "That was for you Issy, every note was just as beautiful and joyous as you are to me. " I was what you could call, tongue tied.

Just then he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small gift box. Confused I studied him. "Whats that?" I looked at he box as he slowly opened it up. It was the necklace I had picked out for his sister, but this one was the ruby one. I knew he had bought the emerald one for his sister. " I umm, I can't take that Ivan." I wanted to take it so very badly but it was so expensive. I shook my head.

"Issy, if you don't take it. I will be deeply hurt. " He genuinely admitted. Looking into my eyes as he pulled it out of the box. Walking behind me, he placed the necklace around my neck. "it is as beautiful as you are."

"Ivan, " I stammered, " I don't know what to say." I blushed at him,"You are such an amazing guy Ivan." I stood up, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Ivan leaned into me, I knew I should pull away, but I didn't. He softly brushed his lips at the edge of my mouth, before moving in further. I think he was testing to see if I would pull away and when I didn't, he went in for he real kiss. His mouth covered mine, he pulled me tightly, allowing all his passion to flow out and into that kiss. I did a soft whimper before opening my mouth further to him. Deep down I knew I should pull away. But I didn't.  

He reached for my hair, then turning my head slightly, to get better access to my lips. Deepening the kiss, making me totally forget we were standing in a restaurant all together. We were both lost in the kiss when we heard someone clear their throat.

I looked at Ivan, turning bright red. He laughed and grabbed his jacket and we hurried out the door. Laughing the whole way to the portal. Just when I was thinking my life had made more sense it got even more complicated. I seriously had some thinking to do and there was no easy way around this decision.


So what do you guys thinks. Who should she end up with?

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