Chapter 18

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I woke up earlier than my alarm this morning, which put a damper on my mood. My head was filled with all the things I needed to say but I didn't know how. Did any of this stuff cross Demitrey's mind? I mean, how could it not? I fell back into my bed and wanted to curl back into bed and never leave it.

Lunch finally came around and I had managed to successfully avoid Demitrey all day. I took the day to only do consultations, not actually do checkups today. I think he knew that I was avoiding him, that or he was avoiding me as well.

Mia as always picked up on my sullenness and commented on it.

"Alright, let it out." She said eyeing me carefully.

"Nothing is wrong." I said curtly. I knew what she was getting at, I just didn't want to deal with it right now.

"There is obviously something wrong if you're dodging the question. Say it Chey. No one can help you if you don't say anything." She chided me.

I sighed, knowing she was right and if I needed to vent to someone my best bet was Mia.

"It's the baby. Well, not the baby but everything concerning the baby. I don't know how things are going to turn out. We haven't even talked about it yet!" I said lowly, voice growing higher with every word I spoke. Mia was stunned for a second. She looked deep in thought, staring at the coffeemaker as she decided what she wanted to say. Her face cleared and she brought her eyes back to mine.

"Chey, you've really lost your edge." She stated simply. I was furious. How could she say something so callous? I needed advice, not a verbal lashing about how irresponsible I've been.

"First, you get pregnant with a guy to hardy knew, now you haven't even talked about what you're actually going to do with the baby? Come on Chey, what happened?" She questioned. I could only stare at her in disbelief.

"You know, I thought you'd actually give me advice instead of making me feel bad about my situation." I hissed.

With a raised brow she replied with "Well, that's what I see from my point of view." I had enough, I pushed away from the table and left. Not before saying a quick,

"Thanks for your help."

I tried to turn my head before the tears came but I failed. She saw them and her face instantly turned into one of nonchalance to genuine concern.

"Chey...?" She asked. But I was already gone. I couldn't believe what she had said.

What could I do if my support didn't even support me?

I quickly found the bathroom and locked the door before standing in front of the mirror. What was I crying for? I shouldn't be crying at all. Im Cheyenne fucking Masters. Head Cardiac Surgeon. No one has my back but me.
After what felt like the longest day of my life, I sighed in content as I turned the key in its lock.

I had just changed into more comfortable clothes before I heard a knock on my front door. Annoyed, I quickly went to the door to see who was the source of my interruption of relaxation time. Expecting to see Mia, I had already formed a sentence.

"I don't want to hear what you have to
sa-" I began before I was cut off.

"Well that's a shame because I brought takeout." A smirking Natalie said at the door.

"Nat! How are you?" I asked while ushering her into the house.

"I'm good, I got a call from Mia saying to come down ASAP." She said, looking at me with concerned eyes. "Is it baby problems?" She whispered while laying her hand on my small but budding baby bump.

I rolled my eyes and swatted her hands away.
"Natalie im fine. And regarding Mia, she said what she felt was needed. It's not my fault if it's wrong." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. As far as I'm concerned, she's my neighbor.

"She wouldn't tell me what happened." Natalie said, silently asking what happened. She stared hard and I stared back just as hard. I wasn't going to budge.

"Come on Che-" She stared but stopped adruptly at the glare so threw I her direction.
"Do you at least want some food?" She asked hesitantly.

"Why not." I said.

"Tell me what's got you in a twist." Natalie insisted.

"Demitrey." I murmured while biting into the oily goodness that was an egg roll. She just stared at me, waiting for me to continue. "I don't know, the whole pregnancy thing is getting to me finally it seems. I feel like we rushed things." I said.

"Do you want me to be honest?" Natalie asked, genuinely wanting to know what I had to say.

"Always." I replied, looking at her warily.

"I think you did rush things but there were other things that sped it up too. Chey, don't look at me like that." Natalie said, green eyes hardening as she spoke. "You had sex, unprotected sex I might add with a guy you were currently pushing away at the time. Not only were you lonely and sad about Gavin even though you won't admit it you were lonely. He was crazy about you since day one Chey. So, you're pregnant. So what? Doesn't mean you two can't have a beautiful child and love the hell out of him/her." She said with a shrug of her shoulders. I nodded my head, I wasn't able to say anything it seemed; my throat was too thick with emotion. She seemed to know what and patted my shoulder to let me know she knew I appreciated it.

"Now, about me." She said, getting comfortable in my couch. We were talking and laughing about her most recent destination wedding when we heard the doorbell ring. Walking to the door I was suprised to see Demitrey. He smiled hesitantly and shuffled his feet nervously at the door.

"Can I come in?" He asked questioningly.

"Yeah, sure." I said distantly, moving over so he could enter. I didn't really want to see him until I was ready to talk to him.

He walked in and took notice of Natalie who was studiously eating her pork fried rice. "Hey Nat, nice to see you again." Demitrey said with a genuine smile.

"Always a pleasure." Natalie replied with a smile. "Have a seat and grab a box." She said, welcoming him over. As he headed toward my couch I shot Natalie a look. She responded with a hopeless shrug of her shoulders as if saying 'I had no other choice!' I sighed and sat on a love seat across from Natalie and Demitrey took it upon himself to seat there as well.

"So what have you ladies been up to?" He asked while throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Nothing." We both said at the same time. I took another bite out of my egg roll and sank deeper into the seat. Demitrey shrugged his shoulders and tried to kiss me.

"I missed you." He said just loud enough for me to hear. He leaned forward then and tried to kiss me when I shrank from his touch. His eyes flashed with an emotion that I couldn't quite decipher and then he backed off, still keeping an arm around my shoulder.

Usually I loved the feel on his arms on me. I loved the weight that he had and it made me feel secure. But now, all it made me want to do is squirm away from him.

Absentmindedly, he started to rub circles into my shoulder as he conversed with natalie before it became too much for me to handle. I lifted his arm off of my body and set it in his lap.

"What now I can't touch you either?" Demitrey said, irritated.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mumbled.

"I'll take this as my cue to leave. Nice seeing you Dem." Natalie said while quickly putting on her coat. I nodded and said a quick 'I'll call you later' and she was out the door.

"Bullshit." Demitrey said.

"I don't want your arm around me. Big whoop! Calm down Demitrey." I snapped, not in the mood for his whining.

"This isn't the first time! You did the same thing yesterday. What's going on?" He asked. I raised my hands in the air, having enough of this small talk.

"What's wrong is how I'm almost a month pregnant with your child and you don't seem to care!" I said voice raised.


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