LC: Meeting your Future Children

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* y/n's Brain is still processing *

"and yes Dracule Mihawk voluntarily became (y/lo) ((2 initals + lo))'s Uncle and Mentor, you're lucky Dracule likes you and (y/lo) enough to voluntarily become his Mentor." You took a while to let it sink in, when you finally processed his words your jaw dropped as Zoro smirked slightly at the information and Patted his son's head. "you have your old man's respect, brat." You recovered quickly and went up to your mosshead with a angry expression. "Don't call your own son 'Brat' Marimo!" You slapped him at the back of his head resulting him to duck down harshly at the impact, Zoro rubbed the spot where you slapped him and snapped his head at your direction with a angry scowl. "Don't hit me, Woman!" You and your mosshead of a lover argued back and forth making your Son watch and sigh, he sat down when he decided to take a nap when he knew that your little argument will go on for awhile.

// Fun Fact; (y/lo) was originally named Zolo

• Vinsmoke Sanji

A shy looking 6 year old boy, he had your Hair color,Sanji's eyebrows and 2 gorgeous different colored eyes, one had (e/c) while the other had a soft blue color. "M-mommy, Daddy?" The boy who was also wearing a bandanna around his neck, light/dark shorts that matched with his (f/c) long sleeve with the number '6' on the front for the design stuttered once his eyes landed on both of you. Sanji grinned the happiest grin he could ever muster and scooped up his son in his arms, he threw him up making your son shake in fear, the fear was washed away once his Father catched him. Sanji held his son in his arms and moved to quickly get rid of the cigarette in his mouth, he doesn't want his precious son to smoke like him afterall. Sanji turned to you with (S/n) clinging into him. "My love! Look at our perfect creation!! He's so handsome, so cute and--" Sanji continued to ramble about your flustered son making you smile. You admired the happy look on both of their faces when (s/n) asked Sanji about cooking and his Uncle Zeff.

• Cat burglar Nami

A spitting image of a young you with Nami's hair but slightly darker/lighter (based on your hair). she was around the age of 12. she was holding a basket full of Oranges and Tangerines, her (e/c) eyes move to land on you and Nami. "Hey Ma! Mom! Look! I gathered alot of Oranges and Tangerines!" She smiled, showing her pearly whites making Nami shower her with Kisses,headpats and hugs. The child giggled at her Mama's actions. You smiled at the scene but couldn't help but wonder how in the hell did you two got a child, you glanced at Tommy who only looked away with a hand blocking his face. You looked at him questioningly but brushed it off, maybe it wasn't that important.

You soon both learned that her name was (D/N cause Author-chan couldn't think of a name. 👹)

// Don't ask me how you two manage to get a daughter but this is how i think it'll go - 😭

Y/n: ..Hey Love, i want children.
Female lover: But
*a sleep deprived person wearing a hoodie and pants suddenly popped infront of you two*
Author-chan: Oh, you want a Dick to have kids? Sure, what the power of Anime and Wattpad logic- *snaps fingers* you have a Dick now.
Y/n: *feels nothing new and looks at s/o who was looking away*
Author-chan: yea yea, she has it. Uh, have fun doing the booty bumping tango. Don't be too loud i guess, or not i don't care.


• Nico Robin

A boy whom had short raven hair with tints of blue, he was reading a book. His beautiful dark blue eyes landed on you and Robin, he looked like a male version of Robin if he didn't had your eye shape and facial features. Plus he even had Robin's calm smile. He looked handome and pretty at the same time, he will surely capture the hearts of many when he grew old. He was also around the age of 11. "Hi Mom, Mother." Nicolas stood up and gave you both a hug that made you feel warm and comforting, like Robin's hugs. Robin smiled sweetly and gave her son a headpat on the head. She noticed he was reading a book about Devil fruits making her hum in thought. You noted on how unusually tall he was for his age, or maybe you're just short. The boy was almost head to head to you for christs sake. You sighed, maybe you're taller in the future. Yea that must be it.

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