"There's nothing to talk about?" she half laughs.

"What do you mean there's nothing to talk about? There's so much to talk about!" he stands up and yells and I grab his arm and pull him to sit back down. "Don't come into my home uninvited and start yelling at me!" she says.

"Don't say stupid shit and ask stupid questions and I would have a reason to yell at you in your home which we were uninvited to!" he exclaims and I just sigh and run my hand over my forehead.

I didn't even wanna come here, I didn't even wanna face her but it had to of been done sooner or later since Hero and I are engaged, this had to of happened no matter what but I just wasn't prepared for when.

I don't like Dana, I don't respect her and I most importantly don't want her around my baby, or be around my baby with me around. Hero suggested we told her because this is her first grandchild and she deserved to know. Yeah, I get that but she hasn't given me or him the right to even know! It's making me frustrated how rude and snotty she's acting towards us when she's the reason none of us talk for hells sake!

"Okay, what do we need to talk about then? Hm?" she says and folds her hands on the table.

"Jo-" Hero begins before I cross my arms on the table and cut him off because I think it's my turn to speak to her. "Not that you've given us a reason or right for you to know this, or actually I didn't even want to tell you this at all. But, I'm pregnant." I say and her jaw drops.

"You're pregnant?"

"Yes?" I say and she stands up. "I wanna hug you." she says and I half laugh, "Hug me?"

"Yes, I know we don't like each other but you're having my first grandchild! Jo, I'm.. I just don't know what to say I wasn't expecting this!" she says and puts her hands to her mouth. "Sit mother, you're not hugging her." Hero scoffs and she sits and nods slowly.

"Okay then, now thank you guys for telling me. I do appreciate that. I'm just surprised you two are still together after two years and-" she says but stops when her eyes catch something. "What?" I say.

"Jo, is that an engagement ring on your damn finger?" she says.

I gulp and nod, "Yes. 11 months ago he proposed to me on christmas. I don't understand the problem!" I say.

"Does this all a sudden worry you, mother?" Hero says.

"A baby and an engagement and she's an actress and Hero, you two don't even know what the hell you're doing-" she begins before he cuts her off. "I'm a boss on a couple floors at my uncles publishing warehouse, thank you." he says and her eyes go wide and she slams her hand down on the table.

"I'm sorry, what-" she begins before the door opens to some guy walking in with a bag of groceries saying, "Hey honey-" the man begins and Dana's, Hero's and my eyes go wide and Dana quickly stands up and walks over to him. "Who-" the guy begins. "Rob-" she begins before Hero stands up quickly. "Who the hell is that?" Hero spits and I grab his arm trying to pull him to sit down but he yanks my hand off him and he walks over to his mom and gets close to her face. "You're going to give my fiancé shit about us being engaged, and us having a baby but your also having some boy toy too? What the hell is wrong with you and how fucked up is your mind that you have to worry about what we do when you have your own shit to worry about!" he says and I stand up and walk over to him. "And who the hell are you?" Hero says to the guy. "I'm Rob, your moms boyfriend. Nice to meet you, but I'm not sure who you are." he chuckles placing the grocery bag on the table.

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