Skinwalker: "what... The fuck... Is this weather?" He asks as Ash shakes her head at this but they notice Crow enter his room not saying a word.

Ash: "what happened?" She asks in confusion as Nøkk sits herself down.

Nøkk: "ask Leland... If he's willing that is." She says as Ash and Skinwalker look at Loki.

Loki: "oh fuck it... Scott! Get out here!" He demands as Crow exits his room and leans against a wall waiting to hear what he has to say. "The reason you don't remember anything is because the CIA wiped your memory of this particular area... Hence why pieces of your memory are hazy." He says as Crow looks in disbelief as he tries controlling his emotions.

Crow: "you... Fuck!" He says kicking a hole in the wall scaring everyone. "How many times has my memory been wiped!?" He asks raising his voice as Loki looks at him.

Loki: "six times, it would've been seven if I captured you... You denying orders or wanting to quit is not the first time it's happened, Janette saw your value and couldn't let you go." He says with honesty as Crow is just wanting to punch something.

Crow: "and you knew... You knew my life, my freedom was being taken away... I trusted you damn it!" He says emotionally on the verge of breaking as Loki looks down.

Loki: "believe me Scott I did not agree with what they were doing." As Crow looks back snapping at him.

Crow: "you still allowed it to happen fucker! I want my memories back! I don't care what they entail." He says as Loki sees the anger radiating from him.

Loki: "I'll give you the files alright?" He asks as Crow scoffs lightly as Ash looks at Loki with clear disappointment as she was warming up to him. After they're done planning, Loki is in his room with his pistol on his lap looking at it.

Ash: "How could you let that happen?" She asks standing a good distance from him.

Loki: "what do you think happens when you try fighting the CIA? You end like Scott did... I was too afraid to fight it." He says as Ash questions what now. "Now? I have to live with the knowledge that I lied to my friend for years." He says holding his pistol. "Once I give Crow what he wants? Maybe it'll be better if I just kill myself." He says debating it as Ash walks towards him.

Ash: "Leland... Killing yourself won't help." She says kneeling before him.

Loki: "but what I did? It's unforgivable... I don't deserve to live." He says but Ash forces him to look at her.

Ash: "then make up for it, whatever it takes." She says as Loki looks her in the eyes. "What you did was terrible, but you're not a bad man at heart." She says as Loki is surprised by her words.

Loki: "that heart of mine feels hollow right now." He says looking away as Ash places her hand on his chest.

Ash: "it can be filled." She says as Loki is speechless hearing this.

Loki: "I... Are you flirting with me?" He asks confused as Ash technically shouldn't knowing what he did but she can't help it.

Ash: "I am." She says helping him up as she grabs his pistol from falling. "Just promise me that'll you do everything you can for Scott." She says as Loki looks her in the eyes.

Loki: "I promise Liza." He says as Ash wants to take a step further but simply steps back.

Ash: "we'll be leaving soon." She says as Loki nods hearing this. Crow meanwhile is seated outside as it's getting dark with his cold breath appearing before his face.

Nøkk: "mind if I join?" She asks as Crow nods with her sitting next to him. "How you feeling?" She asks as a caring girlfriend.

Crow: "like my life has been put upside down, who knows what I've done and I simply don't know it?" He asks as Nøkk interlocks her hand with his. "Sure you still wanna date me?" He asks as he wouldn't blame her.

Nøkk: "of course, I care about you Scott and just because you're complicated doesn't scare me... Not one bit." She says being truthful as Crow looks over as he lifts up her veil and kisses her which she returns.

Crow: "if there's any good thing I've gotten from the military? It's you." He says as Nøkk kisses him once again as she softly moans into the kiss.

Nøkk: "I'm glad." She says but they finish up their business as it's just about time for the last phase of the operation to begin.

Skinwalker: "let's get this done and go home, freezing my ass off." He says as they begin making their way to the base with the help of their night vision goggles as it's mostly quiet till they find the factory. "Woah... That's a big operation they got going." He says in bewilderment as he's rarely seen operations that well done.

Ash: "you got the charges Nøkk?" She asks with Nøkk giving a simple thumbs up. "Okay you and Crow will plant the charges in the places we've marked... Loki will be providing long range support." She says as they nod and begin making their way down.

Loki: "hold... Let the patrol past." He says as Crow keeps his breathing slow and quiet. "Go." Loki says guiding the two in as Crow and Nøkk arrive at a fuel container as Crow plants an explosive on it that should make for a nice big explosion.

They move up as Nøkk gets under a transport vehicle and carefully plants an explosive under as they keep this up till they get all their intended targets.

Loki: "Kaboom." He says as the explosives go off with flames flying everywhere as the White Masks are confused by this till the rainbow team begins firing upon them. Crow lands expertly placed shots before lowering himself into cover as Loki is sniping from afar rather easily.

The courtyard is eventually cleared as Loki slides down the hill to them as Ash takes point entering the factory as it's complete and utter chaos inside. White Masks are trying to make sense of the situation but rainbow is putting them down with little effort.

Crow: "hold up... I hear someone." He says kicking a door open as he aims at a man in a lab coat.

Man: "wait stop! I'm not one of them! My name is Dr Steven Hart." He says as Crow keeps his gun aimed at him.

Loki: "and why are you here Dr?" He asks analyzing the man closely as he feels he's heard of that name before.

Dr Hart: "I was brought here against my will, they forced me to recreate a substance I helped develop in the CIA." He says as Loki looks in suspicion hearing this.

Crow: "what was the substance?" He asks as Dr Hart looks over at him with his eyes widening.

Dr Hart: "wait you're Crow... The one Janette refuses to let go, the substance wipes the memories of a person... Like you Crow." He says expecting a big reaction but Crow simply lowers his gun.

Crow: "I see... I should fill you up with this entire magazine for what you had a hand in but I can see you being useful." He says firmly grabbing the Dr Hart's shoulder as Loki can tell Crow is scheming something.

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