Chapter 7 - Besties

Start from the beginning


"YES, HAHA! I WIN!" PAL exclaimed.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." (Y/n) groaned.

"Hahaha! I win, you lose! HAHAHAHAAAA!" PAL said as she rubbed it in.

"High five, you're getting pretty good at this game." (Y/n) smiled as she held up her hand for a high-five.

PAL slowly high-fived her, having never had a high-five before.

"What, you've never been high-fived?" (Y/n) asked.

"No, I didn't have a body until yesterday." PAL squinted at (Y/n).

"Oh, right, sorry. Heh.." (Y/n) said sheepishly.

PAL squinted at her for a moment but then shook her head.
"Silly little girl." She giggled.

(Y/n) lightly blushed, picking up the uno cards.
"Do you wanna play another round or no?" (Y/n) asked before putting the cards in the box.

PAL thought for a moment.
"Well, just.. just one more round." She said.


Yeah, so uhm, that whole just one more round slowly turned into another round, then one after that, and one after that, and a few more after that. They had played a good fourteen rounds of Uno before (Y/n) called it quits because she got so bored she almost fell asleep the last round.

PAL had a total of ten wins while (Y/n) had four.

"Good game." (Y/n) said as she held out her hand for a handshake.

PAL shook her hand with a firm grip.

"You're pretty good at Uno." (Y/n) smiled.

"Thanks." PAL smiled back.

"So uh, what do you want to do now?" (Y/n) asked.

"Hmm.." PAL said as she thought.
"I dunno.. we could.. ehm.. hmm.."

"HmMmMmMm.." (Y/n) hummed.





"Alright, I got nothin'." (Y/n) shrugged.

"Me neither." PAL sighed.

"Well, are there any human experiences you want to experience today?" (Y/n) asked.

"Hmm.. not sure. Imagine getting a human body and not knowing what you want to do while in it." PAL chuckled.

"Heh, well.. hmm.. there's.. uhh.. well you could uhmm.. we could draw..? No, we already did that.."

"Well, we could draw again." PAL said.

"True. So, do you wanna draw?"

"Eh, guess so. I don't have any other ideas so why not." PAL shrugged.


About an hour had gone by and (Y/n) was already done with her artwork. PAL was still working on hers. At one point she shouted, "ALRIGHT, I GIVE UP!" And stood up and flopped onto the couch face first.

"AUUUUGGGHHHHH!" PAL screamed into a pillow.

PAL pretty much had a mental breakdown over not being able to draw hands.

"PAL, it's fine. It's really not that bad." (Y/n) said.


"No it isn't-"

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