Chapter 3

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"I have nothing at all to speak with you about." She replied biting  down on the inside of her right cheek.

Perhaps he had finally come to the conclusion of how wrong he was on his decision after all these years.

"You may have nothing to say to me but I have something I need you for and it isn't to be rejected by your lack of manners." His eyebrows arched down creating a crease between them. an irritated expression formed on his face.

"And what would that be."

Her toes un curled pushing the key backwards behind her slowly.

"I have arranged an evening of dancing, music and fresh fruits, a ball I suppose I wasn't certain you knew what that term would be."

The guards tried hiding there smirks through the iron shielding on there faces.

"Why would you need me to have any involvement in this." She asked raising her eyebrows upwards.

Why would he need me at a ball, I'm a prisoner not a guard covered head to toe in armour.

"I've been notified of more notices of witchcraft and people have suspected that they'll appear this evening, I have also been told that you could be able to tell who is and who isn't.
Of course nobody could know who you are so I've took it upon myself to make it a masquerade." He explained slowly.

I guess he hasn't realised how wrong he is over all this quite yet.

"I've told you before I had n-."

"I'm glad we have an agreement miss Scott-."

He paused for a second looking her up and down with a disgusted look and then the next second whispering into the guards ear.

As the king walked away with heavy feet the second guard following beside him, the first guard passed her a fold of feathered white cloth with a rounded white and gold eye mask laying on top.

"What is this for?." She asked him.

He rolled his eyes laughing as he walked off.

Was her old ripped dress really that bad to wear.

She un folded the pile of cloth which came together forming a dress. It was white, ruffled at the bottom with a small curve at the top of the dress , the mask was white with gold details and feathers in its left corner.

I'm guessing I have to look appropriate to play the part. No wonder royals love there lives so much the dress is beautiful of course.

As she slipped out of her torn dress it ripped down the side into two parts.

Well that is just great...

She stepped into the white dress forcing it over her wide hips. she could still breathe despite how tight it was on her. It fell over her bruised knees covering them completely.

She twirled her wavy hair around into a bun using some cloth from her old dress to hold it in place.

Her mother had always taught her how to do her hair up to cover it from everyone so they could walk to town without the townsfolk staring and talking about how she's the devils child because of her red hair.

however her father would hardly talk to her assuming the same as everyone else.

Her sister had deep brown hair and her mother beautiful long golden locks, yet there was no idea of how Malia ended up with such red.

A few hours passed, she stood with her head high as she waited to be let out of her cell.
The guard made his way over to the gate unlocking it with an old rusty key leaving the chain to drop to the ground.

"This way." He demanded pointing.

She lifted up her dress slightly as she walked through the gate, the guard took his place beside her ready to make his move if she tried to run.

As they walked through the halls the guard held onto his sword on buckled to his hip, it was silver with small details and black writing along The edge, it was blurred a lot but you could still make out of what it said.

"Ovilian? what is it supposed to mean." She questioned looking up at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Keep on walking." He scoffed.

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