64: And onto the streets

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Nezu sipped his tea carefully as he reviewed the many... many laws idiots had tried to pass lately... especially the ones from that dammed hero commission. He'd already stopped them but that wasn't the issue, the issue was the fact they were all so damn near identical, not only to each other but to the villain quirk branding act that was tried when the whole Stain incident occurred.

Nezu set down his cup and sighed, glancing at the door just before his favourite colleague walk in. Was he one though? Legally he was more of an employee but really the two were friends... or at least the Rat god hoped so. It was so rare to meet people like Aizawa and so much rarer that they clicked with him. Honestly the man was a walking enigma not even he could solve sometimes.

'So you dammed rat,' Nezu's attention switched back to the now seated man, 'What's it about this time?'

'Nothing and everything my dear friend,' Aizawa stared down confused at the file slid towards his elbows rested onto the table as he normally does.

The room fell into an awkward silence as the man skimmed through the documents, his face slowly contorting from his usual grouchy state into one much, much more furious. By the time he finished he didn't place the folder back but rather he slammed it back down and flared his red eyes towards the chimera.


Nezu waved the man off, 'Just corrupt human beings trying to corrupt our already corrupt society. Don't worry about it they've be quelled for the minute.' The words didn't seem to stop Aizawa's glare though, 'And shouldn't you be worried about your new daughter, my niece... she seems like she has something going on currently, and clue?'

Aizawa crashed back down onto his chair, 'I don't know and she doesn't seem to want to open up either... what the hell do I do Nezu. I don't want to lose her, just after we got her back.'

For once Nezu was lost for words, all he could do was watch his niece on the cameras in the support lab... without Mei


3 days.

That's how long it took for Izuku to buck up the courage and step back into their flat above the rest of the dorms. Their home... or at least it was.

The first thing the greenie saw when she opened the door was a mangled mess of everything, almost like a struggle. But it's just the way Mei packs though... the mess from I-Islands packing was a nightmare in itself... right.

She shook it off and stepped into the room but instead of feeling the cold hard stone beneath her bare feet, there was the familiar crinkle of paper. She looked down confused as she reached down to pick up the out of place object.

Curiously she turned the object over in her hands, tempting fate as she debated whether to read it or not. Curiosity definitely got the better of her as she unfolded the paper and started to read. Minutes passed as her expression remained the same, etched into nothingness, her eyes seemingly retracing the words on the page, again and again and again.

After seemingly an age she let the paper fall from her palms back to the stone she expected to walk in on.

She turned her back on the unkept floor, the empty apartment. She wandered down the halls towards her exit, ignoring the shouting of her friends. Walking through them as they tried to stop her, they kept yelling at her, something about... the way she swayed or her eyes.

It didn't stop there, the moment she left the dorms the sounds became louder instead of quieter. People spilled out from everywhere trying to confront her, or so it seemed. Some offered words of support like those within the building while some yelled words criticism. Telling her to get lost, or to give up becoming a hero.


A simple glance was all that was needed to shut that student up. The glance though wasn't oppressive nor did it contain any malice but rather curiosity. She stared the boy down for a minute before nodding.

And then she was gone, flying above the barriers her uncle had tried so desperately to erect before she could escape. Past all the heroes on patrol stationed near and around the campus due to the girl's quote unquote, rising popularity.

And back into the streets where she spent a significant portion of her childhood and just like before, Venom wasn't there to help her work though it.

She was all alone, yet again.


Nezu threw his tea across the room, shattering the glass and the flavour inside it. Seeing the principal spill a drop was rare, to disregard the entirety of its contents along with the cup, unthinkable.

Aizawa wasn't much better, his sleeping bag that was in tatters especially showed his state of mind. It didn't stop there though as the hobo's rampage continued on towards his heavenly nectar and the machine that produced it. In the end the man's prized possessions were nothing more than ruined.

Those in class 1-A who had yet to apologise and needed to weren't much better. Huddled with their loved ones, crying at the sight of their friend, who seemingly wandered away devoid of life... of emotions.

U.A. as a whole was damaged, many teachers adored Izuku and to see her leave in such a manor was... unthinkable to them. They were finally able to see her face, to have the chance to get to know the real Venom, the one who made a such an impact on the hero sector as a whole since her first invention and who damaged the corruption inside it with a single speech, more than any terrorist attack that's been faced in the past.

Now the she's on the streets, a world away from the help she needs. Roaming, fighting, saving with a single goal in mind.

To find Mei.


HEYO MY PRECIOUS BEANS, double days, back to back. An I great or what?!

All jokes aside I am gonna try and put a bit more effort in now, you guys deserve better than one every week or two. So! Get ready, this flaming pile of poop you guys seem to like is reacting some of its final arcs and boy is Chungu going to hunt me down and kill me.


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