63: Out of the hospital...

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Izuku was let out barely a day later, a clean bill of health, the exact words her doctor used. It's too bad they never bothered to look beyond her physical recovery, look into her rapidly failing mental stability she worked so hard to regain over the last few years. A perfect bill of physical health was probably the description they should have gone with.

So they let her go, despite the fact they had no idea who she was and couldn't figure it out either since she wasn't on the system (ALL HAIL RAI) but with the Rat god and Eraserhead breathing down their necks they never really had a choice.

Now she was back at U.A. mindlessly roaming the halls before the day started, hoping to avoid not just her friends but Mei as well. Luckily for her the corridors of the school were barren and the silence was all that was needed for the girl to slink back into her mind.

Venom still hadn't woken up, the mix of electricity and them going all out must have taken a toll on the symbiote, or at least that was Izuku's running theory. Though as much as her friend's absence worried her, the bigger issue for her was her confession. She never planned to tell anyone else that she was violated, raped at such a young age, let alone yell it so abruptly.

But she did and now it was out in the open.

The mere thought of the secret spread even in her close group of friends was enough to keep her mind occupied and body on autopilot. Which is exactly how she was able to amble into the classroom seconds before the bell and take her seat while simultaneously ignoring the stares and whispers from her classmates.

She expected it, half of them never saw her without Venom before and some of those that did wanted her dead. Hushed whispers trying to figure out who she was echoed through the classroom as the girl payed no mind to it.

The whispers didn't stop when the door was flung open and Aizawa walked in. Somehow his eyebags had grown even more and his grouchiness seemingly did the same. He didn't sat a word as he walked up to his desk and held out a thermos which left the entirety of the class confused.

The class except Izuku that is, still not paying attention she reached out and let the black substance flow from her hand to her father's desk before pouring him his favourite brew of coffee. She didn't even pull her arm all the way back before the class started to make a commotion, a commotion that their teacher quickly stopped by activating his quirk.

The class fell silent as said teacher looked towards his favourite problem child, finally noticing the change.

'Venom?' He called out trying to grab her attention, 'What's with the lack of the goop today?'

Izuku didn't even look at the man, 'Effort, no Venom, still recovering.' The man just stared confused, 'Also I'm too tired to care.'

With that wrapped up the man nodded, concern still obvious in his eyes but he still had to choose the others over her... even if he didn't want to.


The day ended much too son for everyone, too soon for anyone to get close enough to Izuku to talk to her. The girl never stayed in one place outside the confines of her classroom leaving everyone to chase after the greenie, only to be two seconds too late around every corner. Honestly even Iida was exhausted as he dragged half his friends back to the dorm.

Izuku on the other hand didn't go back to her dorm-no their dorm. She knew Mei would be there waiting, wanting to talk... maybe scold or fight or... break up...

Izuku shook the thought away and kept wandering the barren halls, even with the dorm system in place, minutes after the final bell rings the school halls go from bustling places of socialising to barren wastelands where no-one dares to tread. For Izuku that as perfect, somewhere no-one would look, let alone bother her as she tried to distract herself with menial thoughts. Like how to predict quirk mutations, or why toothless's babies all looked like cows. Does that mean he and the light fury are two different species? WAIT HOW DID THEY HAVE KIDS THEN, WHAT IF THEY CHANGE AS THEY GROW OLDER OR MAYBE TOOTHLESS AND THE LIGHTFURY WERE-

'Hey Venom.'

Izuku looked up and tilted her head looking towards the voice that called out to her. To her surprise it was Power-Loader... Mei's homeroom teacher. Seeing the man out of his lab and wandering around like her definitely was confusing when Mei said he-.

Izuku shook her head trying to rid herself of those thoughts. 'Hi Sensei, so what are you doing roaming these halls?'

The man looked puzzled, 'What do you mean... we're in my classroom...'

Izuku froze and panicked, looking around furiously hoping there wasn't the pink headed inventor she fell in love with present... and despite the ridiculously high odds she would be, her bright pink hair and golden sclera were missing from the room. It felt wrong to see the room without the near permanent resident but all Izuku could feel was relief at that point.

'Ah.' The man drew Izuku's attention back to himself, 'If you're looking for Mei,' Izuku grimaced, 'Some man came along to recruit her for a sort of inventing camp. Brand new apparently but all his paperwork was in order so I went ahead and asked her. Honestly it surprised me how fast she said yes, I would have though for sure she would have come to talk to you at least...'

Izuku drowned out the rest of the man's little explanation as her mind started to wander, because as much as she's been avoiding her girlfriend... she still loves her, the ring was evident enough especially when she twists it to try and forget the one who gave it to her. Not the best plan. But now Mei was gone for who knows how long and all that Izuku could think of is how it was her fault. She knew Mei wouldn't just go to a random camp, she loved being around her new family, her new friends... Izuku

Izuku glanced back to the man who was still rambling on, 'So when will she be back...'

Power loader blink for a few seconds, processing the question, 'Honestly... I forgot to ask...'


HEYO MY PRECIOUS BEANS, almost a week hehe... sorry just got some important info lately that's a big turning point for me, IN A GOOD WAY!

Anyways, the next part is under construction as is the 200 special, fun fact it was actually gonna be the story I should be currently writing but it honestly had no plot to it, so I set it back for this one, YAY!

For those who don't know its an IzukuxMina book, male Izuku sorry :( but the plot's gonna be focused on something a little more... angsty hehe not just for our pure green bean as well.

OFF I GO TO WRITE SOME MORE... or sleep, sleep sounds good right about now.

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