47: End of Exams and start of vacation

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The next morning came all too quickly for the exhausted students but they came anyways and for once, were silent before the bell rang. Aizawa walked in and smiled.

'I see you're all quiet for once.' He got no response, 'Anyways, here are your results, it's illogical I announce them.'

Venom - Pass
Iida - Pass
Yaoyorozu - Pass
Jiro - Pass
Kirishima - Pass
Ashido - Pass
Ayoma - Pass
Uraraka - Pass
Satou - Fail
Tokoyami - Pass
Asui - Pass
Yagi - Fail
Bakugo - Fail
Male Todoroki - Pass
Female Todoroki  - Pass
Hugakure - Pass
Ojiro - Pass
Shoji - Pass
Koda - Pass
Sero -Fail
Kaminari - Pass

The class fell silent before chaos errupted, shouting screaming both positive and negative rattled the room until their teacher spoke up.

'QUIET.' He yelled red eyes flaring, 'Good, now if you failed you will still be able to attend the summer camp it's illogical to let the weak become weaker.' The four cheered, 'BUT, you will have extra lessons to make up for your failure.'

'SENSEI.' Izumi finally called out, 'WHY THE HELL DID ME AND KATSUKI FAIL.'

Shota just stared the brat like student down, 'In simple terms your exam was rigged.'


'For you, Nezu thought All-might would act professionally but like usual he was cautious. So when the man didn't put up a challenge it was an automatic fail for you.'

'How could you know?!!! Dad would never go easy on me or Kat!'

'You walked out with only minor bruising yes?' The two nodded, 'Now how did you get away with so little injuries and don't you dare say because your that good. I know for a fact you aren't' Izumu and Bakugo had nothing to say, 'Good now combine that with your borderline written test scores and we have ample reason to fail you. Understand?'

'Hai!' The two replied half heartedly

'Sensei' Izuku asked raising her hand

'You want to know what happened with Shinso?' Izuku nodded, 'Starting today he's joined 1-B thankfully he requested to be in that class, I'm sure you can guess why.' He turned to Mina, 'And no Ashido you can't yell it out.'

The girl pouted, 'Can I at least do the thing.'

Aizawa sighed and brought his hand up to rub his temple, 'Fine I'll allow it this one time'

'Yesssss.' The pink girl said jumping onto her desk, 'TEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAA.' Aizawa just stared at his overzealous student before continuing.

'Now training camp will begin in a few weeks, I know some of you are able to visit I-Island so enjoy your time there. Sadly I gave up the ticket to my psudo son.'

Hugakure perked up, 'Sensei w-'

'None of your business, now you all have the rest of the day to recover, go have fun.'

Happy noises emanated from the room as the door burst open and the students of 1-A burst through the corridors of an empty UA.

'Damn Sensei.' Mina grumbled, 'Are we like the only people in school'

'As a school representative I can confirm it, sadly.' Momo said leaning on Kyouka's shoulders

'But like good for Shinso right?' The smaller purple haired girl chirped up

'YEAH.' Kirishima cheered, 'He was so manly beating Cementoss like that'

Izuku giggled as they turned to her, 'What? Can't I enjoy my friends celebrating my brothers achievements.'

Mina's face shifted, 'Oho~ his achievement is now he's closer to Ibara. I can smell the blackmail from here.' She smirked only to receive a bonk on her head, 'Hey!'

'No blackmail.' Kirishima said, 'Or no cuddles'

'Le gasp.' She said holding her hand over her chest, 'You wound me sharky.' She teased falling into her boyfriends arms.

The boy just smirked and swooped her off her feet, lowing his face to see her lilic blush, 'Hehe, guess you're not the only one who can tease.'

The girl pouted and squirmed, 'No fair! Why is he so adorable sexy and handsome'

Laughter burst out from everyone as they continued on making small talk until they reached the dorms.

'So I have a question.' Momo piped up gathering the enitre groups attention, 'I'm able to bring three people with me to I-Island... Kyo obviously gets one but... how do I ch-'

'Well that's a simple fix.' Everyone turned to Izuku confused, 'Well my uncle David shield organised three tickets and since I won the sports festival I got another two. So me, Mei, Rai and Shinso are going. And once he bucks up his courage Ibara too.'

'Well I guess that fixes that... WAIT DAVID SHIELD IS YOUR UNCLE???!!'




'... enough said,' the ravenette turned to the other three, 'So are you all i-'

'YES' The three replied in an instant before babbling about how cool their mini vacation would be.

Izuku smiled and stepped back into the elevator heading up and getting ready to deal with Mei, who had been getting very excited lately.

The door pinged open and the ungooped Izuku stepped out, only to grimace at the sight of their trashed flat. Clothing everywhere, formal and casual mixed. Bottles of purfume scattered and a few, regrettably broken.

'Mei!' Izuku called out

'In our room Izu.' The lively pink inventor responded.

The sight in the room was thankfully cleaner than that outside, 'Mei' Izuku called again garnering the girls attention, 'Why is our flat a mess.'

'Ah' the girl said scratching her neck, 'I may have gotten a little excited.' She launched herself forward latching onto the green poofy haired girl, 'BUT CAN YOU BLAME ME, DAVID SHIELD, WE GET TO MEET HIM!'

Izuku chuckled, 'He's my uncle you know. And your uncle in law'

Mei pouted, 'I know I know, just let me have my fun'

'You can have your fun later today, we have a date remember.' Mei jumped off of Izuku

'WHAT, HOW COULD I FORGET, sorrysorrysorry.'

'David Shield remember'

'Oh ye...'

'It's fine. I'll let your transgression slide this one time wifey'

Mei's face erupted in a furious blush, 'H-Hey.'

'Hehe, I'm teasing. Come on go get ready.'



Heyo my precious beans, so it begins I ISLAND! Honestly I've dropped a few hints to my surprises I've got, cause honestly? It's gonna be lots of fluff

No no no, I havent gone soft... but the arc after is gonna be... pretty heavy. Don't want anyone to be pushed too far 😊

^And thats me saying it

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