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Aizawa's POV:

Something was wrong with the kid. He didn't wanted to site down but was backing away. Not only that but he also escaped us from the hospital too. This was also only after we needed to give the nurse some information about him. I honestly only knew his name and nothing more.

However the moment he escaped me and Zashi went back to the hospital to question them about his health state. That was when they told us that they were not allowed to give us these kind of information out even if we were pro-heroes. All they were allowed to tell us was that he was save and out of danger. Nothing more and nothing less.

However it didn't put me at ease at all and this was why I came over. It was not that I wanted to recruit him or anything. I wanted to make sure that he was all right.

Once he started backing away and hit the wall I knew that something was wrong. He also had the smell of burned skin and blood attached to him.

Red flags popped up in my mind and there was only one person I knew had burned marked on his back.


Perfect high.

His body is also built the same way.

If he had a shot wound yesterday than that would explain quite a couple of things.

There is only one way to find out!

However before I could approach the kid properly the fire alarm went off and I watched the kid walk towards the door as an obedient student. Something was fishy about the alarm. It was a perfect timing and even if the school was burning down I would still make sure to find out the truth.

Once he was close to the door, I used my scarf and got him.

Izuku: Aaahhh!

A small painful yell escaped his mouth and with a quick motion I had him on the ground and started to release him while also pulling up his uniform to have a better look at his back. It was bandaged up and the smell of burned skin was getting stronger as well as the smell of blood.

Me: Castiel.

Izuku: ...

Me: Why?

Izuku: Why what?

Me: Why are you a vigilante?

Izuku: How about you get down from me and we talk about this in a different place.

Me: Does your family know?

Izuku: What family?

Me: Kid, does your mother or your father know about this?

Izuku: If they did then I would be six feet under.

Me: This is not the best time to joke around.

Izuku: Who said I was joking.

Me: *Sigh* You coming with me.

Izuku: Depends. Where are we going?

Me: UA.

Izuku: Heck NO!

Me: Kid. Don't make me wrap you up in my capture gear and drag you there.

Izuku: You are very welcome to try that and how about you get down from me now?

Me: If I do you will start running.

Izuku: Maybe.

Me: *Sigh*

I was kinda forcing the kid to lay on his stomach for a while but after he said that I helped him up and we both were now exiting the room and walk outside since the fire alarm was still going off.

Izuku: What now?

Me: What do you mean?

Izuku: I mean what are you doing know with me?

Me: What should I do?

Izuku: Come on. You obviously know my other live and you also have a responsibility to give me over to that detective. Not to mention that Nezu your boss wants to talk to me.

Me: I am going to get you back home and make sure your parents get a piece of my mind. How the heck did they not know you were shot or even let you go to school with such a high fewer not to mention this back injury of yours?

Izuku: Ahm hate to break it to you but my mom is not at home.

Me: Where is she at work?

Izuku: She actually doesn't have a job so no.

Me: Where is she then?

Izuku: I don't know...

Me: You don't know...

Izuku: That's what I said.

Me: Guess you are coming with me then kid.

Izuku: WHAT?!

Me: You heard me the first time.

Izuku: Why?

Me: I can't have an injured quirkless kid running around the city doing stuff he shouldn't do!

Izuku: Why? I technically never did something against the law.

Me: Oh really? Then what about your hobby?

Izuku: I am quirkless. I have daggers but they can't injure anyone. The blade is only lazed with a tranquilizer that is not a drug not can harm my opponent. All it does it getting them out of the game while I deal with them. Then again I never attack first nor did I trespass. So you have nothing against me.

Me: ... You need to talk this over with Nezu. As far as I am concerned you are injured and you are coming with me back home so I can get RG on you.

Izuku: Nope!

We were about to exit the building when the kid all of the sudden started bolting inside the building again.

Me: *Sigh* Don't make me do this!


Me: *SIGH*!

Why can't you go just go with me?

Is this really necessary?!

You are goddamn injured!

How are you even moving that way and running this fast with such an injury?!

You shouldn't even be able to walk around like a normal person!

I turned around with my capture gear in my hand started chasing him.

Wrong Number (Vigilante Deku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora