Chapter 3

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"Would you stop pushing me?" A tiny voice had managed to screech out just as Destiny was leaving her home economics class.

Destiny sighed internally at the sight of Lakeisha Mowry, the queen bitch of Brencape community college.

This was where Lakeisha and her friends were usually posted up.

Terror hall she liked to call the spot.

"Well if you'd hurry up and move it, we wouldn't be having this problem now would we?" came her usual snarky reply as she stood staring down at the girl, toying with her brown weave.

Destiny rolled her eyes, the halls were practically empty.

The albino chick, who was seemingly a freshman had been practically cowering away at that point as she clasped onto her book bag.

"Now scram," she practically shouted, laughing as the girl scurried away.

"Now that is some bull right there," Monica commented, pointing her blackpoint in the direction of Lakeisha and her sleazy friends.

"I mean did you hear about what she did to her roommate the other day?" she blurted as she gave a roll of her eyes.

"No uh, what happened?" Destiny asked as she pressed her books against her chest.

"Girl, she threw the girl's clothes all over campus and then had her goons run them over," she told her, sending death stares to Lakeisha's back.

"Dang, that's messed up," Destiny commented her face marred by a look of disbelief.

"Yeah, thats why I'm glad that I already found me a place off campus," she continued as she fluffed her pixie cut.

"Hayden's taking me to lunch off campus, so I've got go."

"Okay, I'll see you around," Destiny replied, shooting a knowing smile in her direction before she left.

The cackles of Lakeisha and her friends could be heard as she inched closer to the group.

The boys were posted on the railing, whilst Lakeisha and her best friends were standing beside them all dressed in hoochie outfits.

"Hey, check out my game," she heard Tyree say as he nudged at Deuce's arm and motioned in her direction.

"She's not even that hot," Lakeisha commented, rolling her eyes as she stood in a peach colored tank top along with ripped high waisted jeans, her lips extra glossy.

Destiny was tempted to turn around just so that she wouldn't have to deal with that fool today.

Why was he always hitting on her, couldn't he take an hint?

Just as she was about to pass them, she'd felt a grasp on her wrist as Tyree came down from where he was and stood before her.

"What's up babe?" he asked, putting distance between them as he looked her over and licked  at his lips.

She rolled her eyes internally, he looked real stupid.

"Are you a ball because I sure would like to hit," he flirted, sending a quick smack to her butt. 

In a matter of seconds the sound of her hands connecting to his cheek was resounding around the halls.

"Dude," Brad released along with shrieks of laughter.

Bouts of laughter rang out as she bounded down the steps, leaving him with a gaping mouth and a hand on his cheek.

She did not mind his occasional cheesy pick up lines but one thing he was not about to do was to assault her and think that he'd get away with it.

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