Chapter 2

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Short tufts of frizzy black hair were standing upright in Destiny's head as she woke up that morning.

She had been so tired that she'd forgotten to put a bonnet over her hair. Now it would take hours for her to get it to lay down.

The four hours of sleep that she'd gotten the night before had not done much for her, seeing as how she was still so tired after she had stayed up talking with Brianna, who had called her earlier that morning.

Apparently her ride home with one of her recent flings, Victor had abandoned her at the party that they were at the night before.

Destiny could hear the sounds of Brianna's high pitched wailing by just thinking of it.

The whole morning was spent listening to her friend babbling on and on about how much she wanted to castrate her runaway of a boyfriend.

Damn and she'd always thought that Brianna was the gangsta in their friendship.

Well, recent events certainly did prove that thought wrong.

One thing she did know was that her friend sure had a thing for Puerto Rican men.

Funnily, they were the worst.

With that thought, the covers were swept aside as Destiny, with as much strength as she could muster stood on her feet and made her way to the bathroom.

"Oh my god," Destiny screeched as she came face to face with herself in the mirror.

Dark scraggly strands of her hair were standing in all directions and the deep hollows beneath her eyes really made them seem as if they were about to pop.

It was safe to say that she could have really gotten a role in a horror movie if she wanted to.

~ ~

"Christ," Brianna released with widened eyes as she gave her friend the once over.

With pep in her step, the brunette moved from her spot beside the car and began marching towards the huge building that stood a couple feet ahead.

"Anyone would think that you're the one who's going through a dreadful breakup."

"Drat you!," Destiny said as she fell into step with her

"You do look good," she exclaimed after taking in her friend's freshly done hair.

"I knew I shouldn't have answered your call," she muttered after a moment's thought, sending a stink eye in her friends' direction.

"Girl please," Brianna said rolling her eyes, as they stopped at their lockers "You know you had to, besides I looked like total crap this morning, that's why I had to call over my girl Shauntelle for a early mini-breakup makeover."

Destiny almost retched at the sight of her image in the small mirror that was stuck in her locker.

Lips drawn in a pout, she began to pointlessly primp at her hair, which was partially covered under a floral printed scarf.

Her earlier efforts in straightening her unruly mane had only been wasted.

"Looks like I'm the one who needed that."

After quickly grabbing what they needed, the two began making their way to their first class of the morning.

"Speaking of unwanted calls, guess who called me yesterday?" 

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