No way in hell was he staying there now, not with the kind of 'fun' he knew those two would be having.

Back to Sakusa's it is then..

Atsumu let out a breathily chuckle as he immediately backtracked to Sakusa's place, he wasn't sure if the dark-haired would've wanted him back over that soon, but — he was willing to take that risk.

So, just as quick as he had left, Atsumu showed right back up at Sakusa's front door. The blonde gave a firm three knocks and waited for a minute, then, after some faint footsteps, the door opened.

"..'Tsumu?" The dark-haired questioned, his tone very clearly filled with confusion.

"Heya Omi-kun~ did ya miss me?" Atsumu chuckled despite knowing the question that was bound to come his way.

"Not in the slightest." The ravenette rolled his eyes playfully.

"What're you doing here?" The question came out a little colder than Sakusa had intended, but that happened quite a bit. Atsumu knew it was nothing personal.

"Can a man not visit a dear teammate of h-"

"-Cut the crap and get to it, Miya." Sakusa sighed, knowing damn well Atsumu hadn't spoken a single word of truth.

"'Samu an' Suna are — havin' some time t' themselves, if ya get what I mean." The blonde chuckled a bit. "Not really somethin' I wanna have t' listen t', y'know?"

"It's not even something I want to imagine." Sakusa let out a small, quiet chuckle as he stepped aside.

Atsumu internally thanked him for this and made his way inside, letting out a sigh of relief as neatly took his shoes off and put them away.

By the time he'd looked back up to where Sakusa had previously been standing, said dark-haired was gone. And of course, Atsumu naturally assumed he'd gone off to the common room so that's where headed.

It wasn't until he got in there that Atsumu found the completely empty, besides the show they'd been watching earlier — faintly playing on the tv. The blonde didn't necessarily pay any mind to the others absence and simply took a seat, getting nice and comfortable.

"I see you're making yourself comfortable." Sakusa looked to Atsumu as he walked around the couch, and the blonde in response simply gave a sly smile.

"Ya told me in yer own words, 'make yourself at home', so 'm doin' just that." Atsumu giggled softly watching the eye roll he'd gained from the dark-haired. Who of which was now seated next to him.

"Omi-kun," The blonde suddenly jumped, excitedly turning towards the ravenette at his side. "Wanna watch somethin' sca-.."

Atsumu fell silent, the glare Sakusa was giving him might as well've put him six feet under.

"Miya, you jump on me like that again and I'm leaving you on the street." The dark-haired's tone was stone cold.

"Ya really used the Miya card, damn," Atsumu sighed dramatically as his face fell to a pout. "I can't believe ya'd do such a thing."

"Oh, get over it." Sakusa rolled his eyes slightly, a playful scoff leaving his mouth.

Though, Atsumu still didn't move at this. Sakusa should've seen it coming honestly, the blonde had always been like this — which fortunately meant; he already knew how to handle it.

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