The Eye

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I discreetly glance around the bright room to check if someone's watching, before reaching behind the desk for a pen that appears to be worth all the trouble. I pick up a wooden fountain pen and stuff it into my pocket. Perfect. Now I need to find Five and Klaus.

I eventually spot them inside the same office with the guy I was interrogating earlier. Five seems frustrated about something as he speaks to the man. I continue staring, waiting for him to feel my eyes on him. It doesn't take long before Five swerves his head straight in my direction. None of us bother to break away eye contact first, both secretly hoping to win this silly game.

I triumph when Klaus swings his fist into Five's bottom lip.

I think I should go inside.

As soon as I walk in, Five's exasperated look grows stronger and I force myself to stifle back a laugh.

", please. Now." Klaus leans across the desk, towering over the frightened man.

"You're crazy," he points his finger at Klaus.

"You got no idea." I roll my eyes.

"You shouldn't be in here." Five clenches his jaw.

"And you shouldn't be telling me what to do. But here we are," I reply coolly.

Klaus recatches my attention when he picks up a snowglobe.

"Peace on Earth," he breathes. "That's so sweet." The snowglobe smashes into his head, glass flying across the room.

This time I can't hold back my laughter. This guy is fucking nuts.

Klaus groans in agony, his hands shaking as he looks up from the tile floor. He's covered in glass and sparkles, not to mention blood. Jesus.

"God, that hurt!" The water drips from his hair onto his black suit.

The man does not waste another second and quickly dials a number into the telephone.

"I'm calling secur-" he grunts.

Klaus snatches the phone from his hands. Five and I look at each other with mouths wide open, uncertain of the events that will unfold.

"What are you doing?!" yells the man.

Klaus gasps. "There's been an assault..."

Five glances around the room, most likely puzzled about who assaulted who.

" Mr. Big's office, and we need security, now. Schnell!" Klaus shouts into the telephone, before placing it back into the phone body. "Now, here's what's gonna happen, Grant," he whispers, leaning closer to the man.

Ah, so Grant. Grant's eyebrows crease significantly, his face mirroring Five's and mine.

"It's...Lance," Grant- I mean Lance- mumbles stiffly.

Kaus disregards his correction. "In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood," Klaus says.

Five licks the blood from his bottom lip, smiling proudly.

"And they're gonna wonder, "What the hell happened?" And we're gonna tell them that you...beat the shit out of us," Klaus's voice cracks. His sigh wavers as if he's in deep pain.

What the hell is going on?

Klaus stands up straight. "You're gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me, I've been there."

I nod my head, processing the information. Of course he has.

"Little piece of chicken like you. Oh, my God, you're gonna get passed around like a..." Klaus swings his hips around. "You're just- you're gonna do great. That's all I'm saying," he giggles.

Lance's eyes widen, looking between the three of us as if questioning if Five and I are really allowing Klaus to blackmail him. I honestly don't care what happens, as long as what they're doing doesn't affect the apocalypse.

"Jesus, you are a real sick bastard," Lance says, his voice shaking.

"Thank you." Klaus spits out a glass shard.

Lance leads us to a large white filing cabinet and quickly rummages through the folders. Klaus sits on the desk, while Five and I lean across it.

"Oh, that's strange," murmurs Lance.

"What?" Five looks desperately at the folder in Lance's hands.

"Uh, the eye."

I swerve my gaze away from Five and stare at Lance, my interest peaking.

"It hasn't been purchased by a client yet," Lance continues.

Five stiffens, quickly glancing over to me.

Klaus jumps down from his position on the desk, sauntering closer to Lance. "What? What do you mean?"

"Well, uh, our logs say that the eye with that serial n-number..." Lance stutters, clearly unnerved by the proximity between him and Klaus. "This can't be right. It hasn't even been manufactured yet." Lance stops talking, peering intently at Five. He lowers the folder, a look of puzzlement crossing his face.

I'm not confused in the slightest bit.

"Where did you get the eye?" he asks.

Five sighs, shaking his head with a look of annoyance.

Without saying a word, he grabs Klaus's sleeve, leading him to the elevator. I wait back, deciding to have a little chat with Lance.

"Where are they going?" he questions.

"Don't worry about them. Now, Lance, if anyone purchases that eye, you will inform me."

Lance stares at me as he shuts the filing cabinet. "No, I won't. That is confidential information I would be releasing to you."

"Do I look like I give a damn?" I seethe. "You will tell me who purchased it as soon as they purchased it...Unless you wish for something far worse than prison. And we wouldn't want that, correct?"

Lance's hands begin to tremble and take that as my answer. "Good."

I head outside, where I find both Klaus and Five sitting on the front steps.

I slowly walk over to Five and sit beside him. I know he sees me when he rolls his eyes as he clenches his fists.

"God, the longest I've been with someone was... I don't know, three weeks? And that's only because I was so tired of looking for a place to sleep..." says Klaus.

"You're coming with me," Five whispers angrily into my ear.

Before I can protest, a blue light encircles us and I find ourselves sitting in a cab.


oh boy, oh boy. get excited for the next chapter...its quite... interesting.

smash that vote button like klaus smashed that snowglobe ;)

I think that sounds wrong but oh well

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