Losing His Grip

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When I walked out of the house, the humidity hit me like a wall. I pulled my shirt off and dropped it onto the porch as I jogged down the steps. As I walked down the path to the lake, I could hear him before I could see him. He'd been working on a new song for weeks now and hadn't been able to quite get it where he wanted it.

He didn't hear me as I walked up behind him and stood there for a moment, listening as he played a few chords and then stop. He cursed under his breath before he leaned forward and crossed something off in his notebook.

"That sounded good," I said. He jumped, looking up at me. "I'm serious, it did."

"I didn't know you were here yet."

"Just got in," I told him as I sat down beside him.

Taylor smiled and put the guitar off to the side. "So, did everyone cry when you left?"

I snorted, draping my arms over my knees and clasping my hands together, watching as out in the distance a bunch of kids squealed in a paddleboat. "Not a tear was shed. It was like they were glad I was leaving."

He rolled his eyes and pushed his sunglasses up on his nose. "Doubtful."

"No, seriously. If I left, they could go out back and smoke all the weed they wanted to," I told him. "I mean, the Dairy Freeze may not be a five-star establishment, but we still need to have some class."

He nodded, his eyes on the paddleboat now as well. I wondered if it brought back the memories of his parents, but I didn't ask. He'd tell me if he wanted me to know.

"What are your plans for tonight?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know. It's vacation. I don't exactly have to plan anything."
"Want to go for a swim? They have a bonfire down on the beach and night swimming."

"Aren't we a little old for night swimming?"

"It's a teen party, Taylor. There promises to be underage drinking in the shadows."

He shrugged. "I'm not really in the mood."

I leaned back on my elbows, stretching my legs out in front of me. "Well...My parents are taking Gabby to some kid party at the lodge and then to a midnight movie. We can just hang out here."

He nodded again, not saying anything. I stared at the back of his head, wondering what was rattling around in there. He wouldn't tell me if I asked. He would give me some story and leave it at that even though we both would know it was a lie.

"We can go for a swim now," I told him.

He shook his head. "I don't feel like it."

I sat up and hooked an arm around his shoulders. He didn't shove me off like he normally would. I brushed his hair back off his forehead and he finally looked at me, taking off the sunglasses.

"I'm being a dick."

"Just a little bit."

He sighed, tossing the sunglasses onto the dock and reached over. He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips, squeezing it lightly before he let go.

"A night in sounds great right now."

I nodded and didn't say anything. I dropped my arm before someone came down the path and saw us, but he shifted so his shoulder and legs were against mine. We sat in silence, listening to the laughter and shrieks of the kids.

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