"Am I clear on that side?" He asks sarcastically.

"Jesus, Ben. Hit the fucking pedal. She's right there." Sofía climbs up to the front.

She slams her foot on the pedal, and the car doesn't go fast whatsoever.

"Fuck shit fuck shit." She repetitively lets out random swears, slamming on the pedal over and over.

"Baby, you're going to break it," Ben advises her while she's still slamming it.

"It won't fucking break, this car is shit. The speed is shit, the interior is shit, the exterior is very shit.." She trails off, calling everything 'shit' while still slamming it.

"Are you done?" Leo asks her in a monotone.

"Yes." She answers while panting.

"Guys, how about we walk to that fun place?" Adowa points to a corn maze.

It's midnight. I'm not going in that shithole.

"No." I say.

"Sure, why not? Cause why would we go into a maze, where we could easily get lost and stranded, while we're currently being hunted for something we didn't do. Not to mention it's midnight." I say sarcastically. 

"Oh c'mon we deserve a break." Sung-ho whines.

And everyone else agrees to it.

This is the stupidest fucking thing we could do in this situation.

"Adriana, when you think about it, it can be perfect to lead her in here, and she might get lost! And if she does get lost, we go back and get her car! Easy peasy." She explains.

"Ok well what if we get lost? Correction, what about when we get lost?"

"We won't get lost, you silly little goose. Now let's quit moping around here and bungie up!" She shrugs off.

Ben starts to reverse the car again, but Adowa opens the door at the same time.

I hear Marina calling our names again now.

"Close the fucking door. I'm not walking when I can reverse."

She shuts the door, and we all sit in silence while Ben reverses slowly.

"Can you go any faster?" Sung-ho demands.


"Can you..go faster then?"


After a long and dreary 5 minutes, we get there.

"Walking would have been so much easier." Leo mumbles under his breath.

The sign that's half lighten up half not says: КУКУРУЗНЫЙ ЛАБИРИНТ


The whole maze is just dead corn stalks.

"It's gorgeous!" Adowa says in awe.

"It's dead. All of the corn is dead." Sofía says unamused.

"It's still super pretty! Let's head in, I see Marina's car coming!"

"Ok but let's get into duos, so we don't lose each other." Sung-ho says.

Wouldn't it be easier to lose each other if we are separated?

"Dibs on Sofía!" Ben yells.

"I get Ben." Sofía says at the same time.

"Adriana." Leo declares.


Not sarcastic, actually great.

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