Magic class

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Nadia walked in through room 311 and saw that the room wasn't exactly a room, but it was outside.

"Please take a seat right by the group of kids over there."- Older woman's voice

Nadia realized that the seat wasn't a seat, but a floating cloud. To her, things have only just begun to get weird and confusing. She wondered if any of it had to do with magic.

"Welcome children, Me llama Mrs. Marbles. Today we're going to start some toning exercises on your powers to strengthen them and make them strong enough to be able to protect yourself from other creatures. So I'm going to put you all through a test, utilizing basic elements. And of course, if you're air you will be able to slightly affect each element at will."-Mrs. Marbles

Mrs. Marbles had gotten a couple of students to get the supplies needed to test them out while she set out 4 tables for each of the elements and organized people by their zodiac signs.

"For water, we have, Tonya, Nadia, Alice, Hailey, Benjamin, Mark, and Felicia.
For fire, we have, Xavier, Michael, Maria, Maniya, and Alexander.
For earth, we have, Brock, Demeter, Diamond, and Jinmi.
Lastly, for air, we have Orphelia, Honesty and Faith."- Mrs. Marbles

The teacher looks at her choices and takes time to make a decision. Nadia seems like a nice pick for arbitrary choice making.
"Nadia you're going to be the first to show off your magic skills."- Mrs. Marbles

Nadia begins to walk up to one of the tables and attempts to move the water. When she begins to start moving it the water becomes red and this red begins to darken, like blood.

Mrs. Marbles is amazed at how she could do that and believed that only the celestial beings in the "Bible" were capable of this. Not even Mrs. Babs (the lunch lady) could do this. She could only go as far as reading blood, but not this. This is a more advanced form that other blood magic users have a hard time reaching.
All of the other students in class were also amazed. This type of blood magic is rare.

Michael also saw and began to form an idea in his head about Nadia's magic.

'She could possibly be the solution of the vampire situation.'- Michael

After, everyone had tested out their abilities nobody's abilities compared to hers.
The teacher thought of teaching Nadia further to nurture her abilities as a full blown prodigy. Teaching her day by day, until she could someday become one of the top doctors of blood illnesses in the state and possibly internationally.
So that's exactly what she'll do.

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