Another day of School

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School has began and Nadia began one of her first actual day of school in Mahogany. She's in Mrs. Hemlocks class.

"Class we have a new student in class named Nadia Wright, who is from Lolita Bay."

"Lolita Bay she must be a water fairy"- said Michael

"We'll be able to find out in Magic toning class."- said David

"Go and take a seat over there."- Mrs. Hemlock

"So Nadia, what brings you to Mahogany?"-Michael

"Well I came here to be a virologist, to cure severe and illnesses that are believed to be incurable."- Nadia

"I actually heard that a virus had caused the vampire apocalypse."- Michael

"Who or where did you hear that from?"- Nadia

"I actually didn't hear that from anywhere."- Michael

"My mom didn't turn into a vampire, but instead she died."- Nadia

"Alright, what exactly are you two talking about?"- Mrs. Hemlock

"We're discussing science."- Michael

"We were just talking about the Nano virus and the vampire incident."- Nadia

"How exactly are those connected?"- Mrs. Hemlock

"I don't know you can ask Michael."- Nadia

"No need we're just going to talk about the requirements of this class. So first you'll need to keep unproven information outside of class. Second, no talking unless it's about any of my presentations, you all can do that in every other classroom except mine. To get you all to understand I actually have an assignment of you guys writing down the rules 3 times to make sure you've retained this new information. Excuses aren't tolerated"- Mrs. Hemlock

Michael's eyes were in a daze as if he was daydreaming.

"He doesn't even appear to be retaining any of the data. I feel like he belongs in another school, I don't how he could've possibly made it into this one."- Nadia's inner monologue

Mrs. Hemlock handed out the assignments she noticed that Michael seemed inattentive, so she sat him out to get him to seek some medical help. She won't diagnose him, but suspects that he has ADD.

"Michael I need to talk to you at the end of class, so you'll have to stay back."-Mrs. Hemlock

Michael gave the teacher his full attention signifying that he was listening. Then he brought his eyes back at an inanimate object and waited for what was going to be said next. Feeling some sense of embarrassment for he knew that the teacher saw right through him and knew that he wasn't listening in the beginning.

Mrs. Hemlock kept her attention on Michael until she was sure that he understood.

"Alright, virology, virology is the study of viruses, things that aren't exactly living or deceased, but non living." - Mrs.Hemlock

Nadia begins to raise her hand.
"Nadia." Mrs. Hemlock said
"Where do viruses come from exactly?"-Nadia

"Viruses actually come from the undead, they spread by getting bit on the neck or any other part of the body."- Mrs.Hemlock

'It might've just been the zombie tribe that had come into contact with her then.'- Nadia (internal monologue)

"So, on these next couple of days you guys will be doing some research on the type of virus that each of you will be assigned. And you all will be put into groups of 2 with the person sitting next to you. Nadia, you will be assigned the nano virus along with Michael. Mckenzie you'll have the Areola virus along with Tyrone..........."- Mrs. Hemlock

"So now that you all have your groups you will have a week to finish your assignments. The rules still apply to those assignments, so no conjectures, just facts to prove the validity of your research."- Mrs.Hemlock

Sound flowed out through the entire building that Nadia had felt it underneath her feet. The class began to start leaving and Nadia shortly followed, but then had a look at her schedule to see what she had next.

"Okay, I have magic toning class so that should be two doors down from here." - Nadia

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