𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎- 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲

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And that's how their story came to an end.

A date turned into dating again and dating turned to marriage and marriage turned into a love that was everlasting. A bond so strong,so unbreakable.

No one, no matter how much they tried could ever comprehend what had happened between them. Sure people on the internet had their opinions. But no one but them could ever truly understand their connection, not just because of their love. But because of the complications that arose with it. In a sense they were a lot like Romeo and Juliet, just with a happier ending.

The Romeo would do anything to be with his Juliet, going as far as hurting himself in the process.

And Juliet, hiding herself for her Romeo, scared of what others would think, but ultimately coming back to him.

But perhaps their love story was even better. Sure, Romeo and Juliet died for each other, but Chase and Charli lived for each other. And somehow, that's even harder.

To live, to breath, to survive, to be ok. That was much harder then death could ever be. So sure, they were like Romeo and Juliet, but they were even stronger. Because no matter what happened, their love never died. No matter what happened they came back to each other. No matter what happened, they were able to

Rewrite the Stars.
Mera speaks ;
It's over, Rewrite the Stars is over. I will do one more chapter after this one just to thank everyone and talk about the book a bit but before i do that i would just like to thank everyone who read this book. I really did love this book and i'm sorry for the abrupt end but it was time for me to move on from this book. I hope you guys liked it and to all the ones who were here in the beginning and read the first ever version of this on my old account, thank you so so much. Y'all the real ones <3. I love all of you and i hope one day, you can also
Rewrite the Stars 💘

Mera Out .

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