Specials Episode~3

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(Stone World, Kana-newborn, grow up Kana)

Kana was swaddle in a cloth as she coo in her sleep, "Oh she just adorable" Kohaku smiled "She better be after all that pushing I did" Senku coughed "Yes Senku she strong and healthy" Ruri wipe Senku forehead, Kohaku pick up Kana and brought her over to him. "Senku!" Tsukasa bust in "Shut up!" Kohaku shouted Tsukasa close his mouth "Sorry" Tsukasa walk over to Senku "Tsukasa your daughter is here" Senku turn his head as Kana was yawning.

(Kana 10 years old)

Kana was jumping from tree to tree, there was someone behind her "Oh no!" Kana look behind there was blonde shadow chasing her "I got you!" Kohaku got her "Dang it so close" Kana smiled "You last it longer this time Kana" Kohaku put her down "Kohaku! Kana! Time for lunch" Ruri called for them.

(Kana 14 years old)

"Easy Kana make sure the acid is not to much not to little" Chrome said "Got it Uncle Chrome" Kana pull the acid slowly "Hey guys!" Ginro bust in Kana jump the acid "Run!" Chrome shouted the laboratory exploded "Sorry" Ginro smiled Kana and Chrome look at him "Your dead Uncle Ginro!" Kana chase him.

(Kana 19 years old)

Kana was sitting in a tree wearing a cape of a lion as her hair was flowing in the air, "There a herd of boar Aunt Kohaku same plan as always" Kana look "No this time your in front" Kohaku smiled, "Thanks Aunty" Kana got up front.

Kana ran up front "Nice Kana!" Kohaku got from behind there was a shadow Infront of her "Kana!" Tsukasa hug her, "Dad what are doing?!" Kana shouted as the boars went off after awhile. "Tsukasa you mess up Kana first lead of hunting" Senku was doing experiment with Chrome and Suika "I'm sorry honey but she was in danger" Tsukasa said "No excuse and say sorry to Kana before she knock down another tree" Senku sighed "She growing up to fast" Tsukasa pouted "It time to let her go" Senku looked.

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