(Updated) Chapter 15-Favorite Place on Earth

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"Oh." My cheeks instantly turn bright red from embarrassment. Both at how I overreacted but secondly at Tyler's comment about me wearing his clothes. "Sorry. I guess my defense mechanism is still on autopilot. I didn't mean to overreact like that and attack you. I used to get teased a lot about being small that it's still an insecurity I have I guess. That's actually one of the reasons why I worked so hard at gymnastics when I was a kid. I got so tired of being underestimated by everyone. People thought because I was small that it automatically meant I was weak or timid when I wasn't either one. Instead it pushed me to work harder than anyone else to prove how strong I was."

"No worries. I get it. We all have things in our past that have shaped us. I can respect the fact that you've worked extremely hard to get to where you are and don't want anyone to undermine that. I think we're a lot alike in that way."

"I'm starting to see that." I say sincerely.

"You know, there is one advantage to being small though Lila." Tyler gives me a mischievous grin.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"It makes it a lot easier to do this to you." Tyler swoopes me up over his shoulder in one swift motion. He holds me flipped upside down so my feet are in the air and my head falls down his back.

"Tyler Andrew Johnson! Put me down right now! This isn't funny!" I yell, kicking my legs and banging my fists on his back.

Tyler doesn't listen of course. He's laughing hysterically as he continues carrying me out of his house to his Jeep. When he opens his passenger door and plops me into the seat unceremoniously I immediately cross my arms in a huff.

"Come on Lila, please don't be mad. You know I was just messing around. I couldn't resist." Tyler says as he gets into the drivers seat and sees me pouting.

"Hmph." Is all I respond without looking at him.

"That's alright. You can keep up your pretend act, I don't mind. I'm about to take you somewhere really special that I know when you see it you won't be able to stay mad at me." He grins, beginning to pull us out of his driveway.

I continue with the silent treatment as we drive through town, only the sound of the radio playing quietly between us. We pass through downtown. The glow from the Main Street lamp posts, each decorated with cornstalks, pumpkins and mums look pretty as we drive by. Fall in Romeo is picturesque. Like something you'd see in a Hallmark card. Tyler keeps driving. Even though my new hometown is small, there is still a lot I haven't explored yet. Tyler turns down a secluded street I'm not familiar with. It's sort of tucked away off an alley, hidden in plain sight. The road turns into dirt which turns into a faint two track path lined with large trees. After a few more minutes we pull into a clearing with woods in front of it. Tyler stops his car putting it into park and turning off the engine.

"Wait here for a minute, I'll be right back." He jumps out before I can respond, leaving me sitting quietly in the dark car. I watch him disappear into the thick dark woods.

I swear if this is some elaborate scheme to try and scare me....

A couple minutes later Tyler returns with a flashlight in his hands now. He comes to my door and opens it.

"Alright, the coast is clear. Let's go."

Tyler offers me his hand which I slap away and hop out of his Jeep on my own. I'm still not happy with him for the stunt he pulled before we left so I'm not about to let him off the hook so easily.

"What do you mean the coast is clear? Where are we Tyler? What are we doing? You're making me nervous." I ask skeptically.

"Relax Lila. It will all make sense in a minute. Let's just say I prefer to keep where I'm taking you between us. Now let's go." Tyler starts heading back into the woods in front of us.

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