"Will it always be like this?"

"What do you mean baby?" He asked as he grabbed the washcloth and started gently washing Madison, something she enjoyed even though she was fully capable of washing herself.

"When we are an old married couple, will we still make love like this?"

"Yes. I don't care how old we are baby; I'm bending you over any surface." He teased as she pushed his shoulder, her thoughts turning from grim to happy as she imagined them growing old together.


Madison sat down in the slightly comfy chair to receive her chemo treatments, a smile on her face as she saw her normal seatmate, Cora reading her latest mystery thriller. "How are you feeling Cora?"

"Like shit, but I'm alive." She teased as Madison knew that her chances weren't good since she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and it was always almost fatal. "Where is that slice of heaven of yours?"

"He had to go to a meeting, but he will be here afterward, what about your husband?"

"Oh, that old fart is around here somewhere. I told him to go away because he was hovering over me like a fuckin vulture." She teased as Madison got hooked up to her treatment, her heart racing since she knew she was going to be very sick afterward. Aziel always took care of her, no matter how she insisted that she was fine.

"I can't wait to be married as long as you have."

"Oh yes, you can honey. Trust me. You are still in the honeymoon phase." Cora said as Madison ignored her since she didn't want to ever think that she and Aziel would turn into the cliché old married couple. It was fun to joke about, but she always wanted to feel those butterflies even when they turned old and grey. The moment she got hooked into the machines, Madison tried to keep her mind busy with a movie on her phone, her body feeling weak and fatigued as it always did when she was at treatment. She hadn't wanted to put such harsh chemicals in her body, but she knew it was the best course.

"How did you meet your husband, Cora?"

"I was workin in a small grocery store that is now a bank, and one day he comes in and knocks over an entire display of soup cans. It was love at first sight." She teased as Madison couldn't help but laugh.

"Excuse me, are you Madison?" A gruff voice asked as she looked up at the most heavily tattooed man she had ever seen, his eyes dark and his patch on his kutte letting her know he was from Charming California.

"Yes? Who are you?" She asked as she slightly recognized him, her head feeling heavy from the painkillers she had been taking.

"I'm Happy Lowman, I think you know Sophia." He said as her eyes went wide and she suddenly felt very uncomfortable, especially since she had read that Happy was a violent man. "Can I talk to you?"

"Pull up a chair, I can't go anywhere." She said as she motioned to the stuff around her, her heart racing as Cora pretended not the listen, a part of her wishing that Aziel would come bursting through the doors.

"I know this is fucked but I gotta know something."


"Did Sophia try to get with her ex while I was in prison?" His question made the tension around them grow since she didn't want to lie she had no reason to lie to this man. "I just got out and instead of going back to Charming, I rode here. I gotta know, did she try to get with Zeus?" Aziel's nickname always made her smirk since it fit him almost perfectly.

"She was texting him, asking him to come over to see if maybe there was a spark. It caused a really big rift in mine and my husband's life, but we worked it out." She said as she showed him the lovely diamond ring on her finger.

"Did they do anything? Look I know I'm not fuckin saint, but Sophia made a promise to me before I went to prison. Did they fuck?"

"No! After she invited him to Charming, he cut it off with her, and she hasn't bothered him since. Why are you here and not asking her?"

"Because I can't trust her! It wasn't just Zeus she was talkin with, trust me. Look I'm sorry I bothered you, I just had to know if they fucked."

"Well, they didn't, so if you please Mr. Lowman I am in the middle of my treatment." She said in the most passive-aggressive way possible as she watched him walk away, her heart still racing as she hoped the entire Sophia mess was now over.

"Who was that?"

"Remember I told you that one of Aziel's exes tried to get with him a while back?" She asked as Cora nodded her head, her eyes going wide as Madison knew she loved some good gossip.

"That was her boyfriend or ex I don't know I don't care; I just don't want to be involved in this mess. Aziel and I are married, and I don't want any more stress." She said as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Madison sat reading her book for over an hour before Aziel finally walked through the doors, a huge smile going over her face as he kissed her cheek." How are you feeling baby?"

"Hey Aziel," Cora said with a big smile as Madison couldn't help but laugh at her obvious flirting, but she also knew that Aiel was hers and she had nothing to worry about.

"Happy Lowman came by, asking if you and Sophia had fucked while he was in Stockton."

"What? Happy Lowman came here? He came here and talked to you?" Aziel asked as she saw the anger rise in his eyes, a part of her worried she had just started some sort of war between club Charters.

"He wasn't rude or anything, he just wanted to know if you and—"

"It's not about how nice he was baby, there are rules, and he just broke a big one, plus he came here while you are getting treatment. It's disrespectful to me and the MC." He explained as Madison feared that soon Aziel was making a trip to Charming.

A/N Thank you all for all the support for this story! I never thought it would get this big!

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