Not meant to be (JJ x reader, Rafe x reader) part 1

Start from the beginning

"Yo what the fuck are you doing here," Rafe yelled from behind me.

I almost last my balance and fell.

"Shit Rafe, lower your voice dammit," I said.

"Sorry Y/N," he whispered.

Being a kook my whole life and growing up with the Camerons meant Rafe and Sarah were my best friends but unlike most of them I didn't look down at the Pogues. A lot of the people criticised my dad for running a mechanics shop where there was no need because my grandparents had left enough wealth to run us smoothly. But my dad's passion was cars and well who am I to say no to him.

"Just use the front door Y/N," Rafe said.

" I am already here aren't I." I turned around and knocked on Sarah's window. And she opened it within a few seconds.

"Hey Y/N," she hugged me.

"Get in."

I got in and leaned against the window and looked down at Rafe and said. "See you at the party Rafey," I smirked.

"Hey I told you not to call me that you-," but I had already closed the window. And turned to Sarah.

"So let's get down to party girl," as we cheered.


We reached the boneyard in Rafe's truck and it was only me,Rafe, Sarah and Topper. To translate the ultimate Kooks. But I was not as popular or known most to be in trouble with Pogues like them. A lot of people didn't even know  I was a Kook because I always tried my best to stir away from any trouble or in any unwanted attention.

A lot of people were looking at us mostly Tourons and Pogues because it was probably their party. Rafe grabbed my hand to make the Tourons back off. There was nothing between Rafe and I, but he was very overprotective of me.

"Hey, c'mon let's get a drink," he said and we parted our way from Sarah and Topper who went to do their own thing.

"Hey Pogue give me a drink," Rafe said. I elbowed him in the stomach for his rude behaviour.
I stepped in and said, "Hi I am sorry for my friend's rude behaviour, can we please get two beers," I smiled.

"Sure," Pope said. I only knew him because he was Heyward's son.

"Thank you," I said as he handed it to us.

"You are nice, unlike most Kooks," he smiled.

"Thank you, I get that a lot."

"Don't flirt with her Pogue," Rafe spat.

"Just stop Rafe,c'mon," I tugged on his arms.

I turned my head around as we walked and mouthed a sorry to him which he nodded in understanding.

I took Rafe to a corner and said, "Rafe what is the matter with you."

"You cannot just talk to Pogues like that."

"Why Y/N, why can't I, they were nothing but a bunch of filthy Pogues."

I scoffed at him, " I really can't believe you Rafe, if anyone who should hate Pogues should be me," I said and reminded him of the incident that happened with me.

He sighed in defeat I started to  walk away when I heard yelling from the other side.

Rafe looked at me before he threw both our drinks away and he grabbed my hand which I was unable to tangle from because he was too strong. We walked there pretty fast and saw Topper and the boy who's father was lost at sea, known as John B were fighting. I also spotted JJ who had still not looked at me yet.

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