Chapter 1. Aliens come to Seabrook

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*in space*
A-Li: So? What's the plan?
A-Lan: what plan?
A-Li: the plan when we go to earth!
A-Lan: i don't know, ask A-Spen!
A-Li: you never know anything, huh?! *goes to A-Spen* A-Spen!
A-Spen: yes?
A-Li: what's the plan when we go to earth?
A-Spen: We are gonna go there and try to find our the leader and then we are gonna destroy the place!
A-Li: won't they know we are coming to destroy the place?
A-Spen: No, cause we are gonna act nice when we get there!
A-Li: okay. *thinks: this is a terrible idea!*
*the next day*
A-Spen: are you guys ready to leave space?
A-Li: yes!
A-Lan: Mhm!
A-Spen: okay! Let's go! *drives the Ufo to earth and lands in ZombieTown* We are here!
A-Li: *gets out the Ufo and looks around* Woah, this is earth?? It's so amazing! Where are we anyways?
A-Spen: I don't know.
Eliza: *sees the aliens and walks to them* Hello, I'm Eliza! It's nice to meet you!
A-Li: thanks! I'm A-Li! Where are we?
Eliza: Nice to meet you A-Li! We are in ZombieTown!
A-Spen: ZombieTown? Filled with Zombies?
Eliza: Mhm!
A-Lan: are you a Zombie or are you just walking around?
Eliza: I'm a Zombie!
A-Lan: oh okay!
Eliza: well I have to go to school cause it's 8:00 am and I need to be in class at 8:20 am or I'm getting detention!
A-Lan: okay! Can you show us where school is? If you don't mind!
Eliza: of course! *takes the aliens to Seabrook* here we are at Seabrook High!
A-Lan: Nice!
A-Li: Wow!
A-Spen: Cool! Can you show us the inside?
Eliza: of course! *walks in the school with aliens* there you go!
A-Spen: thanks!
Eliza: no problem! *goes to her locker*
Addison: oh hey! I'm Addison nice to meet you guys, are you guys new?
A-Spen: yes, nice to meet you Addison, I'm A-Spen!
Addison: Nice to meet you A-Spen, let me give you guys a tour!
A-Spen: okay!
*after the tour*
Addison: Alright now, you guys know where everything is let me get your schedules from the principle's office!
A-Spen: okay!
A-Li: Im, A-Li btw!
A-Lan: Im, A-Lan!
Addison: nice to meet you guys! Stay here and im gonna get your guys schedules!
A-Spen: okay! Take your time!
Addison: *goes to the principle's office*
A-Spen: oooooo I can't wait to destroy this place!
A-Li: are you sure, it's gonna be fun?
A-Spen: yes!
A-Li: o-okay!
A-Lan: We are trouble makers for a reason!
Addison: *comes back* here you guys go! *gives them their schedules*
A-Lan: Thanks!
A-Li: Thank you!
A-Spen: thanks!
Addison: No problem, now let's to class before we all get detention!
A-Li: okay!
*after a few classes, it becomes lunchtime*
Eliza: *sits with the Zombies and the Zombie Table*
A-Lan: where do we sit?
A-Li: I don't know!
A-Spen: I'm gonna sit with the Zombies! *goes to the Zombie table and sits with Eliza*
A-Lan: I'm gonna sit next to the white headed girl, Addison! *goes to Addison and sits next to her*
A-Li: *goes to Wynter and sits next to her* Hello! I'm A-Li!
Wynter: hi....I'm Wynter it's nice to meet you.
A-Li: is everything okay? You look sad?

Trouble in Seabrook🐺🧟‍♀️📣👽👩‍🦳Where stories live. Discover now