06. She's Different

Start from the beginning

He was always underestimated by his family. Though Mr. Agarwal never let him feel alone, it was also true that he couldn't take the place of his real father.

It was natural for him to feel unloved. Because whoever he loved always left him, like how his family had gone. But he accepted his fate and decided to stay away from such things. Love was not his cup of tea at all. So he always preferred being alone all the time. He was afraid; afraid of losing anyone, anymore.

How funny it was right? On one hand, those who had nothing were still trying to live happily or on another hand, those who had everything ended up losing everything.

That's why people said, the five fingers of our hands will never be equal.

His sharp jawline swallowed a big lump from his throat while he nonchalantly stared at the sky, counting the shining stars. A small salty drop of tear fell from his eyes and left a wet mark on his shoulder.

He missed his mother, and his father, a lot. He wished he could see them once more. If he could touch them once more. If he could talk with them once more. If he could hug them once more. He wished he could. But, we're the servant of the time circle and we can't go against it. Truth is always bitter and we've to accept it, no matter how hard it sounds.

A star shone brightly as his mind flashed her angelic face once again and unconsciously a smile formed over his swollen lips.

He took out his flute from his sweatshirt pocket and kept it near his mouth as the wave of blissful tune seized the whole city around.

He didn't understand what it was he was feeling, why he was feeling it, but one thing he knew was what he was feeling then, felt so good. So he didn't wish to stop himself from admiring the girl, who occupied his thoughts for a week or so.

And there Siya was sleeping in her room, smiling through her sleep like she could be able to hear the sound of his flute even in her dreams.

He still didn't know her name, nor she did his. But just think, what type of telepathy was that, from just by each other's thoughts they lost themselves into their own new world, enjoying a euphoric company though they were far away from each other.

Who could say that might be one day they would help each other to fill their empty hearts?

The wait was only a matter of time, nothing else!


Birds' rhythmic song greeted a new morning as the smell of wet soil hit her nostrils coming from the open window.

Wiping off the face of her beloved Radhakrishna with a clean tissue Siya finished her morning chores. Kissing their lotus feet softly she got up and made her way toward the classroom.

She wasn't an open-up type of person. She buried all pain into her little chest. Because she knew, that if she told, everyone would make fun of her emotions which she didn't wish to happen.

Kids learn from their surroundings and family. If there is love around them and they express it, they too will understand the importance of love and care when they grow up.

But she was brought up with hatred around her. She used to watch, how her parents were quarreling with each other over the smallest things. They always threw unpredictable tantrums and used abusive words toward her, causing her mentally unstable. So as the time flowed, her faith in love was also blown away.

She almost lost her smile. She used to wish, that anyone should've listened to her perspective too, what she wanted, and how she felt, but unfortunately, there was no one to listen to her views.

It was only him, Krishna, a beacon of hope who always stood by her side, otherwise, she would end up falling into depression by then.

Meanwhile, all the students gathered in the hall room since Mr. Agarwal was going to announce to everyone about their respective practical tasks.

All the students presented there as the work would be distributed in a group of two, one from the first year and another from second-year students.

"So, as you all already know, like the last year, this year too we will organize a practical work. Although we know that the NEET examination hasn't needed any practicals, however, we do it, so that you wouldn't face any problems shortly. Also, it'll be helpful for you to understand your syllabus more properly. And what about your senior partners? It's only for that, as much as you will discuss your studies among yourselves the better it'll be helpful for both of you. Or you don't need to be worried, you can choose anyone from your seniors, from whom you're comfortable with." Mr. Agarwal declared as almost everyone chose their pairs instantly!

They all submitted their names to him as he advised them and permitted them to do their work carefully.

One by one nodded positively and slowly the huge hall began to empty.

But what about Siya?

She stood there silently watching everything, not getting the courage to ask anyone as her partner. Everyone got theirs successfully. Then who the hell would join with her?

She walked close to Mr. Agarwal asking for the solution to this problem as she hadn't any other options left open.

She was too engrossed in thinking that she didn't even notice one guy was too left there.

"Hey, Raghav! Don't you find your partner again?" his voice jolted her at her place as she looked up abruptly only to meet with his hazel, shining orbs through the spectacles.

There was him, standing with a grin on his face, somehow happy to be alone.

'Raghav' Siya's mind whispered-yelled at her as she felt a tingling sensation hit her already trembling heart. 'Siya-Raghav, Ram-Sita, is it just a coincidence or I'm an overthinker?!'

Mr. Agarwal who was busy talking with Raghav suddenly sensing her presence, "Siya! Are you too didn't find any..."

Her train of thoughts was broken by his voice and she shook her head negatively.

Raghav's eyes fell on hers and for the very first time, he scanned her features closely from top to bottom, making sure she didn't feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

Her kohl-black hairs were tied up into a ponytail while some loose strands fell over each side of her face. Her dark brown eyes were hidden behind her round spectacles as her saccharine blossom soft lips pressed with nervousness. She had a decanter-shaped waist and her complexion had an impeccable, ochrous hue. She wore a yellow gored skirt till her knees while a sleeveless white top hugged her upper body with a scarf hanging over her neck perfectly. She had a bubbly outlook though it didn't show on her face for once.

Unknowingly his grin got more prominent and it made Mr. Agarwal catch a side glance at him.

"Oh, it's good then. You both are left and now you two will be able to work together. Problem solved! Go ahead, I'll write your names." he remarked happily and before they could protest, he wrote their names on the official papers making Siya gasp.

"You both can discuss the topic. If any queries feel free to contact with me okay?" Mr. Agarwal told them with a smile as the two nodded positively.

Raghav muttered a thank you to him as she too followed the same before leaving the hall room.


They're partners in the practical! Yayy!!

Can you guess Raghav's intentions towards Siya?

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