Chapter 30: Epilogue

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Scotland was truly beautiful.
The farm they lived in was beautiful.
The love of his life was beautiful.

Paul thought of himself as the luckiest man in the whole world.

Warm sun was shining through the thin curtains, showering the room in golden light; showering Paul's beautiful husband in said light.

Husband. John had really become his husband.

They had married there in Scotland the spring before, in a little chapel near the farm they had recently bought and had recently gone to live in.

It had been the best day of their lives, filled with love and affection not only by John and Paul for each other, but also from their families and friends.

Paul couldn't help but remember the emotion of seeing John walk down the aisle accompanied by Ringo.

How beautiful and radiant he had looked, dressed in a white suit and even a small veil attached to his luscious auburn hair, which he had grown slightly on occasion.

Oh how much Paul was happy to have John by his side even to this day.

Sure, they had their ups and downs, especially whenever Paul was wandering down the path of John's health; so many times he had reduced John to tears.

It wasn't a voluntary thing, obviously; he was just panicked whenever John was pushing himself too hard into things.

In the two years following the scary, dark period of their lives, when John was in critical conditions at the hospital, a lot of things had happened.

They decided to move out from Mimi's house and buy a nice place for the two of them; it had been difficult, a very pondered idea, but of one thing they were certain: John needed as much calmness and peace he could get.

It was actually Linda giving them the idea of a nice little farm deep into the countryside of Scotland, a nice calm place with lots of outside space for them to enjoy.

After some months full of thoughts they decided to finally buy it, and in just a couple of weeks, they've fully moved in, with the help of their friends.

Mimi had been teary, leaving the boy she had raised finally go and live by himself, but she trusted Paul almost as she trusted herself. She knew John was truly happy with Paul, and after the man hadn't left John for all the complications his illness had brought, she knew he loved the younger man just as much.

And here was Paul now, cuddled to a sleeping John into their bed, in their quiet little house.

They weren't alone; with them lived Martha, Paul's big sheepdog, who loved John as much as her owner; along with 4 tabby cats: Mimi, Thisbe, Pyramus and Elvis.

Yes, Elvis had followed them to Scotland, just like Martha.

To Mimi, though, to not let her succumb to loneliness by the fact John and Elvis weren't around as much anymore, John had gifted her a nice gray kitten, which Mimi had affectionately called John Jr.

Paul was snapped out of his pleasant memories by a rustle of the sheets, followed by the weight on top of him moving, groaning.

"Good morning, my sweet flower" Paul smiled down at the man in his arms, being met by the most dazzling smile he could ever imagine.

"Good morning" whispered John, leaning up to kiss his husband on the lips, cupping his cheek with his left hand.

The sun hit his wedding ring, the golden band reflecting, almost like a remember.

Parted the kiss, Paul smiled down at him; he knew that all John needed at the moment was a cuddle and he was going to be happy all day long.

They stayed cuddled in bed some more, Paul playing with John's rebellious bedhead, while the younger was tracing circles on Paul's naked chest.

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