Chapter 26

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They all should have seen it coming.

John's health was still on a thin line.

John wasn't magically cured.

And now, now they were back into the nightmare.

Paul and Mimi had found themselves back into the ICU; John was back in critical condition.

Paul had been woken up by a loud shrill noise;

In his sleep filled brain, he hadn't noticed what it was, until he felt jerks coming from the body next to him.

It was then that he saw John's body spasming and uncontrollably moving. The shrill noise was coming from the heart monitor, which was showing crazy lines.

Paul jumped off of the bed just in time for a équipe of nurses and doctors coming into the room, followed by Mimi.

So the two had to stay in the sitting room full of worry, until Dr. Shepherd had told them John wasn't in any immediate danger.

"The pressure is steady"

Paul and Mimi were permitted to enter the hospital room; they were standing at the feet of the bed, looking at the sleeping man.

John was pale, too pale. The little weight he had managed to put on in the last week or so was showing in his cheeks, his cheeks that were flushed red from the stubborn fever that didn't want to go away no matter what.

Paul's eyes fell onto Mimi's hand that was resting next to his.

He posed his hand onto the other's trembling one, hoping to comfort her through the small but affectionate touch.

"He's a fighter. He will fight till the end" whispered the boy and Mimi just nodded almost imperceptible.

"So, doctor" Mimi spun around to watch the other woman, who was standing near the head of the bed, checking the monitor.

"We increase the intake of fluids, antibiotics and antiepileptics. We're gonna monitor him for the night..." said the woman with a smile.

Paul and Mimi sat down on the chairs next to the bed; Paul sighed, sitting down after pacing around; Mimi took out her knitting things, starting carefully knitting a scarf.

Paul leaned over, posing his head onto her shoulder, eyes fixed on John's pale face.

He grabbed his limp hand, feeling upset at the coldness.

The night couldn't pass any slower.

Both Mimi and Paul tried to sleep, without any results; it was a constant coming and going of nurses and doctors.

At some point, Paul had slipped in bed with John, careful to not spook him or upset any machinery he was hooked on.

He held him gently in his arms, soothing him whenever he was awake.

"Shhhh, shhhh, c'mon love, you have to swallow" cooed Paul gently, holding up a glass full of water.

The doctor had recommended to make him drink orally and even eat soft foods in order to keep his body from shut completely down.

John tried to break free from Paul's grip, but the man was holding him against his chest tightly; he didn't want John to hurt himself by moving too much.

John let his body go lax against Paul's, mouth falling open as he looked up at Paul with puppy eyes.

The older man smiled gently, tilting the glass and making water trickle down his throat.

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